Amerikai Magyar Szó, 1988. július-december (42. évfolyam, 27-48. szám)

1988-09-01 / 32. szám

Thursday, Sep. 1. 1988. AMERIKAI MAGYAR SZO 11. WORLD HERITAGE Individually we inherit genes, traits, talents and possessions, but what does mankind inherit? History, landscape, art objects and buildings, for instance. Let us mention some of our positive heritage, which makes us proud of our country and attracts visitors to it. What an honour and pleasure it was six months ago, to know that the Buda Castle ensemble along with the magnificent Danube panorama, and the N Hungarian village of Hollókő with its age-old tradition of unassuming yet exquisite peasant houses, had been placed on the Unesco list of the world's cultural and natural heritage. It was confirmation of an international status for Hungarian architecture, preservation and tourism, for Buda and Holloko have joined such places as Venice, the Acropolis in Athens, London's Westminster and the Great Wall of China on the list. Not least it's an added encouragement to keep these precious legacies the way they are. Hollókő, folk architectural perfection Low Income Programs The number of poor people in America increased by 6 million between 1980 and 1983. The number of poor declined slightly in 1986, the latest year for which we have figures, but was still more than 32 million. That's three million more than in 1980 and means that about one in seven persons was in poverty in 1986. Between 1980 and 1987, federal outlays for low-income people-programs such as medical care for the poor, assisted housing, aid to dependent children, food stamps, nutrition programs and the like-lost out in the yearly battles to lower the budget deficit. Early in the 1980s, the Reagan Adminis­tration took many of the working poor off the Food Stamp and AFDC programs. While the overall budget rose by almost onefourth, funds for the Food Stamp prog­ram dropped by 9 percent between 1980 and 1987, in dollars adjusted for inflation. Other social service programs either suf­fered real cuts or grew only slowly. , During the Reagan years, the rise in homelessness and the number of poor people coincided with the withdrawal of federal backing for assisted housing. During these years the Administration has sought to end federally-supported new construction for poor people under such programs as low rent public housing. GUEST SPOT MANSOUR KHALID Vice Chairman, World Commission on Environment and Development: Budapest is a jewel of a city. One is always caught up in meetings - but what I have seen is an enticement for another visit. Alexander brody World President, International Advertis­ing Association: My grandfather, Sándor Bródy, was a leading writer in Hungary around the turn of this century. I have seen many changes for the better, even since I was last here four years ago. It's smart to have linked high-standard Hungarian hotels with inter­national hotel chains: it has advertising value as well. MARCELLO MASTROIANNI Film star: I took the part in the Hungarian-Italian coproduction "Miss Arizona", shot in Hun­gary, because the subject appealed to me, because I knew I'd be playing opposite Han­na Schygulla, and because I'd heard a lot of promising things about Pal Sándor, the Hungarian director. It's been a pleasure to work here! (For the gala first night, a Malév charter brought the Italian partic­ipants and the representatives of the press to Budapest , where they were put up at the Béke Hotel - Ed.) An intimate ceremony was held in the Hungarian Embassy in Paris, to greet the renowned painter of Hungarian origin, Viktor Vasarely, on his 80^ birthday. Social welfare benefits in Hungarian Importation The travel and social welfare benefits granted to transportation workers differ according to the profession. MALÉV ensures benefits and discounts which are considerable in international comparison. In the interest of better ap­preciation of its workers, the Hungarian Airlines recently changed its free ticket allotment system. After one year of em­ployment, workers can receive free tickets to the socialist countries more than once per year, and once a year to any European country after two years of employment. The benefit is extended to overseas coun­tries after 3 years. The benefit (also applies to the family members of MALÉV workers. The Hungarian Shipping Company (MAHART) ensures a combined MÁV-MAHART staff season ticket (98 per cent) to its workers, for use only in Hungary. The Hungarian State Railways, under the international agreements in force for close to 50 years and on a reciprocal basis, provides a ticket valid for the international railway lines once a year to its workers and their families. Under the terms of the social insurance law, all Hungarian men over the age of 60, and women over the age of 55 are en­titled to old-age pensions, if they have a minimum service time of ten years. Earlier retirement - generally, 55 and 50 years of age - is applied by MÁV, Volán and the Budapest Transport Enterprise (BKV) for vehicle drivers and others who have spent a specified time in travelling and traffic jobs. (The law regulates this time with strict conditions.) In Hungarian river, sea and commercial shipping, earlier retirement at 55 years applies only to the engine-room and trans­portation staff, the measure does not in­clude the deck staff. In Hungarian civil aviation, pilots who have flying service of 30 years can request early retirement at 55. Those who continue to meet the health requirements can keep flying until the age of 60, but not after­wards. An outstanding achievement of trans­portation workers is that drivers of the Budapest Transport Enterprise which plays the decisive role in metropolitan transpor­tation, receive a transport bonus of an annual 25,000 forints, alongside earlier retirement. At present, drivers of vehicles in the mass transportation of major country towns do not receive this benefit. (The Trade Union of Hungarian Transport Wor­kers has been struggling for years to win this.) The social welfare benefits of workers are covered by the Hungarian transportation enterprises from welfare and cultural funds, in the distribution of which the trade unions have a decisive role. This sum is spent to subsidize canteen meals for workers - with special buses delivering hot food to drivers - and on the upkeep of children's institutions, holidays for large families, and home building and purchasing that affects wide strata of workers. István Balázs The exhibition of world-famous Chinese soldiers recently arrived in Budapest. As the 37 gigantic figures had been sent from London somewhat earlier than expected, the organizers - Artunion and the National Museum - decided to open the display ear­lier, than planned. The collection insured for 23 million dollars by Hungária Insurance Company is exhibited with the sponsorship of Hungária Insurance Company, the General Banking and Trust Company and the Tourism Promotion Company.

