Reformátusok Lapja, 1971 (71. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1971-06-01 / 6-7. szám

REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 13 political cause as such is the same thing as the knowledge and service of God. We should make it clear that no cause or program, whether the move­ment for the withdrawal from Vietnam or the move­ment for full rights for minorities, can be made substitute for or equivalent of, obedience to God, without idolatry. When this nation is accused or self accused of false priorities at home and of ruth­less exploitation abroad, we should make it clear that repentance without faith is remorse, crucifixion with­out resurrection is annihilation. We who are per­sonally acquainted with the atrocities of the other half of the world should make it clear that just be­cause America has been faulty, all other nations are not faultless, just because America’s noblest ideals have been tainted with hypocrisy all other nations are not thoroughly sincere and completely altruis­tic . . . Yes, let us engage deeply and fulíy in the present national heart searching: This is our task and obligation within the UCC. Dr. John Butosi -------------------------------------­22nd ANNUAL YOUTH CAMP CALVIN SYNOD (Conference of the United Church of Christ) at CAMP KANESATAKE SPRUCE CREEK, PA. AUGUST 15-AUGUST 21,1971 1971 CAMP THEME “THE KING AND I” JESUS CHRIST IS KING! My relationship with Him defines my attitude, my action, my work — toward God and Church and Man. At Camp we will endeavor to see and under­stand ourselves in this Christ — Church — Man relationship and seek to work out a Christian pur­pose and goal for our lives. REGISTRATION $35.00 This includes meals, lodging, and insurance. Minimum age is 13 or Confirmed, maximum age is 18 or June graduate (Older youth will please serve as Staff.) The young person should be mature enough to participate in discussions and be able to grasp the ideas presented. Camp theme and pro­gram are planned for the high school level. The total amount ($35.00) must accompany the registration form and Workshop preference and be sent in together no later than August 1, 1971. Send Registration and Check To: Camp Registrar Calvin Synod Conference 7520 Woodmar Avenue Hammond, Indiana 46323 REGISTRATION POLICY 1. Registrations are to be returned as soon as com­pleted but not later than August 1 to Camp Registar, Calvin Synod Conference, 7520 Wood- mar Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46323. 2. Total fee, including both registration and room and board, must accompany the registration. (Total Fees — $35.00.) 3. All checks should be made payable to Calvin Synod Conference. 4. If a camper cannot attend Camp after register­ing, his total camp fee will be refunded less a $1.00 service charge. 5. Tentative Workshop preferences indicating First, Second, and Third choices should be submitted with Registration. 6. Anyone with a health problem or a physical af­fliction should so indicate on the registration form. WHAT TO BRING Flashlight, warm coat or sweater, camp clothes, heavy shoes, bathing suit, towels and soap. Rubber shoes and raincoat will prove useful. The Bible is one of the essentials. Two or three woolen blankets, sheets, pillow and pillow slips can be mailed two weeks before camp opens. Wrap carefully and address to your­self, Camp Kanesatake, Spruce Creek, Pa. Those coming by car may bring their bedding if they wish. Beginning at 1:00 Sunday with Registration, the camp extends to 9:00 a.m. the following Satur­day. Please observe these times when making travel­ing arrangements. Private property is brought at camper’s own risk. DIRECTIONS Those coming by public conveyance should call Camp Kanesatake (632-5745) and they will be met at the station. Camp Kanesatake is situated near a small community called Spruce Creek, on Spruce Creek. The Camp is located on Route 45 south­west of State College, Pa. From Tyrone take Route 350 to Water Street, Pa., from Huntington Route 22 to Water Street. At Water Street take Route 45 to Spruce Creek. Tyrone is the nearest railroad station. COMMITTEE ON YOUTH WORK REPORT Our committee met during camp week, August 16-22, 1970 at Camp Kanesatake, Spruce Creek, Pa. and made the following recommendations to Synodical Council: 1. All Camp registration forms and camp fees will be handled by the Synod Registrar (who will be appointed by the Bishop). 2. There will be no Saturday arrivals at Camp

