Amerikai Magyar Reformátusok Lapja, 1932 (33. évfolyam, 1-53. szám)

1932-07-30 / 31. szám

AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 8 therefore they do not help to support it. Our C. E, Societies should see to it, that the young people are informed about the missionary work of our Church, so that, they will be more willing to shoulder their share of the burden. In addition, as Hungarian Re­formed young people, the Hungarian Reformed Foreign Mission Field should concern us. The “Hiajnal”, a little monthly mission leaflet is published in Budapest. It would cost only a few cents to subscribe to this paper and you would be keeping in touch with a very important enterprise. Here is the address, in case you want it. Magyar Református Külmissziói Szövetség, VIII., Gyulai Pál utca 9., II em. Budapest, Hungary. Rev. D. Bodor. HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE? In Rome, many years ago, a beautiful picture of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler was on exhibition in one of the art galleries. At noon of every day for half an hour a poor Italian Workman would stand in front of it. He noted the sad look on Christ’s face as the youth in the picture turned away! The day came when the picture was to be shown for the last time. The Italian Workman was standing before the picture as usual. The keeper of the gallery came up to him and said “My friend you must leave now for the time has come to close the gallery and remove the picture”. On the Workman’s face there appeared a look of great disappointment as he turned sadly away from the picture. He turned back to gaze once more at the Beloved Face and with a sob these words broke from his lips “Jesus, Master, Son of the Living God, You can count on me; I won’t go back on You; You can count on me!” C. E. and Y. P. members your Master, Jesus Christ, is counting on you! He asks that you attend the Conference in Lackawanna, N. Y., on August 10th, 11th, and 12th! Will you accept the call and with the Italian Workman say “You can count on me”, or will you turn away as the Rich Young Ruler did and lose add that He has to offer to you? Yes, He asks for all that you have, but in return He gives you a NEW LIFE! Today in the chaos of life we know not where we go, but in the NEW LIFE He will show us “Whither To Go!” He asks that we attend the Conference, sit at His feet and learn “We areOne in Christ”, “Whither Young People in Religion”, “Whither Young People in Edu­cation”, “Whither People in Recreation”, and “Whither Young People in Service!” Ko-sen, a Chinese lad in Pearl Buck’s new book “Young Revolutionists” tried many things in life. For a while he was a novice in a Buddha temple, but he hated this sort of life, and so one day he ran away and joined the Revolution­ists’ Army. He hoped that in this way he could be of service to his own people. Life became gruesome and hateful after the first battle he fought. He lost nine of his comrades and the tenth one, his best friend, was critically wounded. Crouching on the ground beside his friend, he heard footsteps approaching. Two doctors stopped beside them, one a foreigner whom Ko-sen knew as his enemy and therefore despised, and the other, one of his own race. It took a long time to persuade the young man to allow his friend to be taken to the foreign hospital just near by, blit he agreed when they told him he could go along too. After many weeks of suffering the friend died, but before his death he called the foreign white doctor “My Father,” for he had learned to love this man whose loving hands had tended him. Ko-sen left the hospital, went back to the army and then left that too, and finally went home. He was back among his loved ones and yet he was not happy He longed for something, something he could not define. He seemed to hear a voice calling calling softly to him. One day he awakened to the knowledge of his desire—he must go back to the hospital for it is only there that he may find peace and happiness. He talked to his father about it. His father asked him who the Master of the hospital was. Ko-sen replied “I can’t tell you about Him, father, I only know that He is a wonderful Master and His name is Jesus!” Jesus—our Master! How many of us hear the call as Ko-sen heard it? He is pleading, gent­ly pleading. He knows it is not easy to make plans for a trip now, when many days we don’t know where our daily food will come from. He knows that everyone who is planning to go can only go with much sacrifice. Young People, it will be worth your while, no matter how great the sacrifice! The memory of the days spent in Lackawanna will be as a treasure to you, for memory is the treasurer and guardian of all things! Come to Lackawanna on August 10th, 11th, and 12th. Show Him that He may count on you! With Ko-sen be able to say “I only know that He is a wonderful Master and His name is Jesus. From Him I shall learn “Whither Young People”. Elizabeth Komáromy. jó szolgálatot tesznek lapunk­nak, ha támogatják azokat az üzleteket, amelyek lapunkban hirdetnek s ha a vásárlásnál hivatkoznak lapunkra. OLVASÓINK

