Amerikai Magyar Hírlap, 1997 (9. évfolyam, 7-15. szám)

1997-02-21 / 7. szám

Presentation of the Golden Cross Award to Andrew Stevens Friars Club, January 28, 1997 TONY CURTIS is proud of his Hungarian heritage. Above: pictured with the Amerikai Magyar Hírlap in his hands. FIRST HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH 12717 York Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250 Ph. (310) 355-1475 Adm. Pastor: Dr. Béla Bonis (310) 430-0876 Caretaker: Dr. Béla Bíró (310) 644-3121 . The*texfc of Dr. Bonis’ English sermon was Psalm 55. It is in­teresting to note how David tried to get out of his predica­ment, when the entire city of Jerusalem was filed with hostile whisperings and murderous plans to get rid of him. His first reaction was what all of us sometimes wish to do in a similar situation: to run away from it all. But we cannot al­ways pick up and leave, and when we do we soon discover that trouble follows us. A second reaction of David was to pray the prayer of revenge upon his enemies and the situa­tion in which he found himself. However, like many of us, David soon discovered that this attitude gets nowhere. It makes matters worse rather than better. It fans the fires of ire and hatred rather than put­ting them out. This leads to the third and final reaction, namely, that of calling upon God and placing matters in His hands, being confident that God is the final judge. (Ps.55:23) Now the question is: Who of us has not been knee­­deep in trouble? There are moments in every man’s life that seem insurmountable. Ill­ness, sorrow, adverse cir­cumstances - whatever it might be it leaves us in a predica­ment. Plans are shattered and adjustments must be made. No use to take negative attitudes towards life like David did in his first and second reaction to his being in the pit. What saved the day for him was that he turned to God. He made the discovery that after all we must leave all to God. "Cast thy burdens upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee," is the very pinnacle of faith. Jesus gave us this promise: "Him who comes to me I will in no wise cast out." Take it to the Lord in prayer! February 23: worship service and the Lord’s Supper at 11 am. For the holy elements Mr. & Mrs. Zoltán Elekes, and Mrs. Betty Warga each donated $25. Betty did it also in memory of Katherine Records. Many thanks! March 9: after worship and dinner follows a special com­memoration of "1848 Március Idusa" Plan to attend the above events and invite your friends, too. March 23: Palm Sunday Con­ference in the Hungarian Bap­tist Church, Alhambre, begin­ning at 3 p.m. Consul General Imre Helyes pins the Medal on Andrew’s lapel A group of distinguished guests (from left to right): Hírlap editor Susan Jancso, attorney Dr. Andrew Friedman, District Attorney Gil Garcetti, Ilona Y. Reksz Dr. Szabó Tamás, D.C. 7060 Hollywood Blvd., #520 Hollywood, CA 90028-6018 (a Great Western Bldg.-ben, közel a La Brea-hoz) Derék; hát-és lábfájdalmak Zsibbadás kézben és lábban Nyakjj'áll és kézfájdalom Fejfájás Reuma, idegfeszültség Gépjármű balesetek Munkahelyi sérülések Sport balesetek Készséggel állok ilyen, vagy hasonló problémájú honfitársaim rendelkezésére. Tel: (213) 464-1635 Fax: (213) 464-1674 World-famous actor of Hungarian ancestry, Tony Curtis and his glamorous guest in conversation with publisher and restau­rant owner Julius Jancso OLVASSA ÉS TERJESSZE A HÍRLAPOT! Születési, halotti bizonyítványok, házassági anyakönyvi kivonatok és más okiratok hitelesített fordítását vállaljuk. Telefon: (213) 463-6376. AMERICAN Hungarian Journal Weekly Newspaper Celebrating Andrew from left to right: Dr. Imre Helyes Guest of Tony Curtis Tony Curtis Anna Helyes Ildikó Stevens Andrew Stevens László Vadász 4i amerikai pvi Ikfagyar Ifirlap |j||

