6. oldal, 3039 találat


101. 2001-07-01 / 7-8. szám (2. oldal)
[...] REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA Volume 102 July August 2001 No 5 6 Official [...] Calvin Synod United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD [...] Janet Vegh United Church of Christ Bridgeport CT Hungarian Reformed Church [...] OH Calvin United Church of Christ Fairfield CT Hungarian Reformed Church [...]
102. 2005-09-01 / 9-10. szám (7. oldal)
[...] tarnished the United Church of Christ Rev Albert W Kovács Bible [...] Concerned Sisters and Brothers in Christ Many of you have contacted [...] we realize our unity in Christ on a nationwide basis the [...] Southern Conference Renewal Group by August 31 or soon after The [...]
103. 1982-03-21 / 68. szám
[...] amikor a 18 éves Karl August weimari herceg felkérésére hivatalt vállalt [...] Goethe további fénye karrierjéhez Kari August herceg a költőt 30 evesen [...] nap­ján ebből a kapcsolatból szü­letett August fia aki azon­ban még a [...] már hagyományos találkozóként fogják emlegetni Christ Lászlómé az iskola igazga­tóhelyettese elmondta [...]
104. 1969-06-01 / 6-7. szám
[...] Author unknown znaanaaaannnnaaoaaaanaauuaaunaannaaaaaanna COMING EVENTS August 17 23 Youth Conference of [...] MEETINGS IN LIGONIER Elders Conference August 31 September 1 Ministerial Meetings [...] of the United Church of Christ Bridgeport Conn Dr Stephen Bessemer [...] wine symbolizes the blood of Christ He gave us His life [...]
105. 1975-08-01 / 8-9. szám
[...] Jr and Eileen Katko on August 23 Weddings Patrick Francis Tooker and Cheryle Irene Dodge on August 23 Bela Kalo and Judith [...] s Supper was served on August 3 On August 10 Rev Sándor Mészáros pastor [...] Calvin Synod United Church of Christ Our pastor also attended the [...]
106. 2004-03-01 / 3-4. szám (3. oldal)
[...] Hospice Chaplain 2 1 Rev August J Molnár President of the [...] what I also received that Christ died for our sins according [...] dissertation on the res­urrected Jesus Christ by recounting the purpose for [...] personal encounter with the resurrected Christ The various accounts dispersed throughout [...]
107. 2017-11-01 / 11-12. szám (4. oldal)
[...] surrounded by loved ones on August 29 2017 at Latrobe Hospital [...] in Calvin United Church of Christ Toledo on September 23 2017 [...] PA Calvin United Church of Christ or the Hungarian Club of [...] Advent we prepare to receive Christ as a baby in Mary [...]
108. 1994-10-01 / 2. szám (2. oldal)
[...] the Calvin United Church of Christ at 4 00 P M [...] the First United Church of Christ 42 nd ANNUAL HUNGARIAN FESTIVAL [...] the First United Church of Christ in celebration of the 100 [...] a thousand people gather every August to wet their appetite with [...]
109. Wohnungsanzeiger von Budapest (225. oldal)
[...] Hausbesitzer VII Valerog 6 Bülch August Photograph VII Valerog 6 Bürger [...] Kajetan Zimmermann V Wollg 2 Christ Franz IIausbe 3 Gastwirth VHI Gr Stationsg 79 Christ Jakob Photograf VIII Eszterházyg 6 7 Christen Franz Beamter I Chr Schöpfungsg [...] IV Kl Brückg 5 Csalay August Möbelh V Palating 27 Csalogány [...]
110. Hauserschema von Budapest (220. oldal)
[...] Schneider VII Valerog 6 Bülch August Photograph VII Valerog 6 Bürgermeister [...] Michael Schuster Vin Kontigasse 18 Christ Georg Seilermeister VIII Gemseng 13 Christen Josefa Hausbesitzerin I F Hauptg 76 Christen Josefa Hausbesitzerin II gr Rochusg [...] IV kl Brückg 5 Csalay August Buchhalter V Akademieg 18 Csallay [...]
111. 1980-11-01 / 18. szám
[...] be witnesses to faith in Christ and to brotherly love which [...] individual believer to faith in Christ is no longer a matter [...] State Imre Miklós on 30 August 1980 cf Magyar Hírlap 30 [...] This statement appeared on 17 August of this year in the [...]
112. 1985-04-01 / 2. szám (5. oldal)
[...] our text become crystal clear Christ does not want to loosen [...] speak so obviously I love Christ less than before be­cause now [...] 5 million was launched in August 1983 in the face of [...] the original goal of the August 5 1983 appeal has been [...]
113. 1985-09-01 / 5. szám
[...] for the New Wine On August 18 1985 Communicants were received [...] 6 1985 Steve Pásztor born August 19 1904 at McKeesport PA [...] only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable But now is Christ risen from the dead and [...]
[...] 12 411 Grohmann Johann Christian August lieber den Begriff der Ge­schichte [...] 1 1 845 Grohmann Johann Christ August Neue Bejtiäge zur kritischen Philosophie [...]
115. 2000-10-01 / 4. szám
[...] been placed in view by August the earliest sign for the [...] to celebrate the birth of Christ with ex­pected anticipation for His [...] being in the company of Christ or is our true happiness [...] rejoice at the birth of Christ Jesus All of them missed [...]
116. 1997-09-01 / 5. szám (4. oldal)
[...] of the United Church of Christ took place in Colum­bus Ohio [...] calling the United Church of Christ to become a Multiracial and [...] through the United Church of Christ bringing re­newal re dedication to [...] Assembly meeting in Philadelphia on August 15 20 The 700 Synod [...]
117. 1974-10-01 / 10. szám
[...] His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to be the cornerstone of [...] Mathia and Kathryn R Curtis Au­gust 16 th Alex J Papp and Elizabeth Bullard August 16 th Louis F Waldie and Elizabeth Soltész August 31 st Jeff­rey J Thibian [...]
118. 1993-05-01 / 3. szám (7. oldal)
[...] of the United Church of Christ We ourselves try to be [...] Holy Spirit remembering Jesus the Christ Church people worship God in [...] for them by Jesus the Christ himself Second Helvetic Confession ch 17 1 And this August wise mature confession was accepted [...]
119. István Pákozdi: Zur Theologie des Ablasses (166. oldal)
[...] darum baten dass die jungen Christen in ihrem Glauben erstar­ken dass [...] und Bußübungen 13 Die orthodoxen Christen erkennen den Ablass nicht an im Ge­gensatz zu den Christen nach griechisch katholischem Ritus Ein [...] 12 Apostolische Pönitentiarie Decretum 2 August 2005 Bischof James Fran­cis Stafford [...]
120. 1963-08-01 / 7. szám
[...] by the United Church of Christ All our efforts had been [...] of the United Church of Christ came to our last two [...] of the United Church of Christ A resolution was agreed to [...] acceptable to our congregations In August I had sought the counsel [...]