3. oldal, 227 találat


41. Contents (17. oldal)
328 István Brodarics to Paul III Vác 8 [...] 1538 568 32 9 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Vác 8 [...] August 1539 597 349 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Vác 17 October 1539 598 [...] from Miklós Oláh about István Brodarics 605 7 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki 606 In [...]
42. Preface (19. oldal)
[...] of the letters of István Brodarics was published first in 1908 [...] Kujáni published 43 letters of Brodarics kept in the Nádasdy Collection of the MOL complemented [...] in the chapter devoted to Brodarics 1 2 3 After Kujáni [...] as Gábor Kujáni put it Bro­darics biography is virtually told by [...]
43. On the Correspondence of István Brodarics (21. oldal)
[...] bishopric of Vác in 1537 Brodarics besides his diplomatic activities maintained [...] with regard to letters by Brodarics V Kovács interprets Brodarics different style his essential leanness [...] Luther his answers lies in Bro­darics connections that are strongly coloured [...] on the one hand Tamás Nádasdy whom he sees as one [...]
44. On the Correspondence of István Brodarics (23. oldal)
[...] creates a reverse situation for Brodarics What is a desirable goal [...] cannot exclude the possibil­ity that Brodarics had absolutely no intention to [...] we have 254 letters from Brodarics The prominent high priest must [...] in private archives like the Nádasdy archives or in foreign archives [...]
45. Principles of Publication • Acknowledgments (24. oldal)
[...] if in a letter to Nádasdy the salutation is Vestra Dominatio [...] that collecting the correspondence of Brodarics was an idea dear to [...]
46. 1525 (106. oldal)
[...] Brodaryth doctor secretarius 39 István Brodarics to Louis II Buda 21 [...] 260226 MOL 285402 1 2 Brodarics presents to the King a [...] a remark of the relator Brodarics that King Louis sanctioned the [...] is the mother of Tamás Nádasdy so he is the uncle [...]
47. 1526 (157. oldal)
[...] incolumis et felix 72 István Brodarics to Archduke Ferdinand Pozsony 15 [...] bis steadfast loyalty some­thing which Nádasdy can confirm 2 He can [...] Louis sent Royal Secretary Tamás Nádasdy 1498 1562 to the imperial [...] did not happen that way Brodarics changed sides in March 1527 [...]
48. 1526 (160. oldal)
[...] 75 Ferenc Sárffy to István Brodarics Győr 19 October 1526 Manuscript [...] who were to meet besides Brodarics Palatine István Báthori Bishop of [...] 6 The legation sent to Brodarics as well obviously also served [...] 1526 testifies We know from Nadasdy s letter also dated Pozsony [...]
49. 1527 (175. oldal)
[...] Ferdinand and Charles V s Brodarics undoubtedly refers to the Pozsony [...] 2010 55 56 10 Tamás Nádasdy former secretary of Louis II [...]
50. 1529 (250. oldal)
[...] vehementer desidero Datum 125 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki and Krzysztof [...] to forgive him 2 Tamás Nádasdy Ferdinands Constable in Buda escaped [...]
51. 1531 (263. oldal)
[...] Broderici Sirmiensis litterarum 133 István Brodarics to Camillo Orsini 1 Buda [...] s letter have been accepted Brodarics also sends King John s [...] jiost pariato dei como 4 Brodarics as an envoy to Rome [...] it in his letter to Nádasdy on 21 December 1532 A [...]
52. 1531 (265. oldal)
[...] and Hieronym taski to István Brodarics and Tamás Nádasdy Buda 18 April 1531 Manuscript [...] Palatine and Laski They request Brodarics and Nádasdy to influence the King in [...]
53. 1531 (266. oldal)
[...] etc fratribus carissimis 135 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 25 April 1531 Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 1 2 Published Kajjáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 1508 1538 Történelmi [...] Vécs in Transylvania to Maylád Nádasdy on the other hand should [...]
54. 1531 (267. oldal)
[...] Barta the secret talks with Nádasdy could take place in March [...] purpose might have been separating Nádasdy from Gritti who was accumulating [...] also began at this time Nádasdy received instruction from Szapolyai the [...] életrajza Budapest 1899 290 5 Brodarics hit the nail on the [...]
55. 1531 (268. oldal)
[...] regio domino etc 136 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Torda II May 1531 Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelck fol 3 4 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 1508 153 B [...] 1908 265 I News of Nádasdy s illness frightened him but [...]
56. 1531 (269. oldal)
[...] uti filio carissimo 137 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 25 July 1531 Manuscript [...] MOL E 1 X 5 Brodarics levelek föl 5 7 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 508 1538 Történelmi [...] Turkovics has not spoken to Nádasdy about the issue of Brodarics expenses in France He has [...]
57. 1531 (270. oldal)
[...] if he had money Requests Nádasdy to send the money to [...] ita credo futurum Credo 1 Brodarics visited France as an envoy [...] already as a messenger for Brodarics 4 Bishop of Transylvania János [...] A két Frangepán Ferencz levelei Nádasdy Tamáshoz Történelmi Tár 1907 491 [...]
58. 1531 (271. oldal)
[...] an alliance with the Turks Brodarics attempted to achieve absolution from [...] studied in Bologna together with Brodarics His name appears again in [...] finances in a letter by Brodarics to Nádasdy on 2 July 1532 where Brodarics refers to him as a [...]
59. 1531 (273. oldal)
[...] anno domini MDXXXI 139 István Brodarics and Hieronym Laski to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 19 August 1531 Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 8 9 Published Kujáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 1508 1538 Történelmi [...] assembly in Debrecen They request Nádasdy to appear by all means [...]
60. 1531 (274. oldal)
[...] hack side Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdy thesaurario regio domino et fratri honorandissimo 140 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 23 August 1531 Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 10 11 Published [...] Történelmi Tár 1908 268 Asks Nádasdy to hurry and visit the [...]