2. oldal, 29356 találat


21. (38. oldal)
[...] as the painter of the poor after learning these works I [...]
22. (84. oldal)
[...] Angolra fordította Translated by Baloghné Poor Györgyi Fotók Photos Kiss Béla [...]
26. Jegyzetek (60. oldal)
[...] He was born in a poor reli­gious Jewish family of 11 [...]
27. Jegyzetek (61. oldal)
[...] 1956 who came from a poor Jewish family of German origin [...]
39. RESEARCH HISTORY (26. oldal)
[...] described area of interior or poor drainage from the mountains GERGELY [...]
40. RESEARCH HISTORY (27. oldal)
[...] karstification BULLA 1964 explains the poor development of karst features with [...]