6049. oldal, 121021 találat


120964. Glosar de termeni (93. oldal)
[...] Moscaţi Lumea fenicienilor Ed Meridiane Bucharest 1975 p 210 220 From [...]
120965. Glosar de termeni (94. oldal)
[...] texte istoriografice Antologie Ed Hasefer Bucharest 2002 From now on historiographic [...] Kuller The Jewish Press in Bucharest 1857 1994 Bucharest Ed Hasefer 1996 etc 9 [...] iudaice Ed Fundaţiei Culturale Române Bucharest 1994 From now on Myths [...]
120966. Glosar de termeni (106. oldal)
[...] in a museum collection in Bucharest 72 Pic 58 During a [...] Wald Homo Loquens Ed Hasefer Bucharest 2001 p 11 For a [...] dictionary of Judaism Ed Hasefer Bucharest 2000 p 414 72 In [...] the cemetery in Sevastopol Street Bucharest Each of them has a [...]
120967. Glosar de termeni (128. oldal)
[...] Faure Istoria artei Arta antică Bucharest Meridiane 1988 p 197 1112 [...] Obiecte rituale iudaice din România Bucharest Hasafer 1999 p 64 106 [...]
120968. Cuprins (7. oldal)
[...] 2000 Electoral Campaign for the Bucharest Town Hall 206 Liliana Popescu [...]
120969. Sabinne Habersack: Eröffnungsrede auf der Internationale wissenschaftlichen Konferenz (10. oldal)
[...] Sommer 1989 brachte ich ein Buch mit Kleines Politisches Wörterbuch Neuausgabe [...]
120971. Teodor Pavel: Wold War I and Revolutionary Options in Central-Eastern Europe: the Project of the "Insurrection" of Romania at the End of the Year 1917 (89. oldal)
[...] The military occupation authorities from Bucharest sustained a current of oppinion [...] king Some Romanian politicians in Bucharest considered the possible change of [...] intended against the collaborationists from Bucharest after the war Stere s [...]
120973. Vörös Boldizsár: Die Symbole, Mittel der diktatorischen politiscxhen Propaganda (106. oldal)
[...] natürlich nur zur Bedeutung des Buches passend kann wörtlich nehmend hätte [...]
120975. Gheorghe Iancu: Imagini etnice şi confesionale din România în documente de arhivă britanice (1924-1926) (121. oldal)
[...] of the British Consuls in Bucharest and Cluj offer the new [...] of the British Consul in Bucharest Sir Herbert Guy Dering 121 [...]
120976. Hajdu Tibor: Das Horthy-Regme - autoritäre politische Macht in Ungarn während der Zwischenkriegszeit (126. oldal)
[...] die zwanziger Jahren in seinem Buch Drei Generationen geiselte den begrenzten [...]
120977. Ivan Vovkanych: Democracy and Totalitarianism in East European Countries: Transition Periods int he History of the 20th century (132. oldal)
[...] Evrope 1994 1953 T l Bucharest 1944 1948 Dokumente Moscow Rosiskaia [...] Tri vizita A Vishinscogo v Bucharest 1944 1946 Dokumente rosiskeh arhivov [...]
120978. Vasile Marina: Reflectarea revoluţiei din Decembrie 1989 din România în mass media din URSS (185. oldal)
[...] published information which related that Bucharest became unrecognizable In the same [...]
120979. Florin Abraham: Strategii electorale în campania alegerilor pentru Primăria Generală a Bucureştiului 2000 (221. oldal)
[...] 2000 Electoral Campaign for the Bucharest Town Hall The study is [...] the general town hall of Bucharest by the main candidates Sorin [...]