Oberlander Báruch rabbi (szerk.): A rabbi válaszol. Modern kérdések, hagyományos válaszok 4 - Zsidó Ismeretek Tára 38. A rabbi válaszol 4. (Budapest, 2021)

I. rész. Kérdezd a rabbit világjárvány idején - Zsinagóga és imádkozás

Zsidó ismeretek tára 30 9. fejezet HALACHIC RULING ON THE MANNER OF OPENING SHULS, IN LIGHT OF THE GOV­­ERNMENT’S EASING OF RESTRICTIONS To my Esteemed and Dear Colleagues א״טילש Community Rabbis and Chabad Shluchim in Hungary; Many of you have turned to me and to ask if Shuls can already be opened, in light of the leniencies that the government has announced in the recent days. In truth, as of now I have heard of leniencies in these areas only in other towns, but not in the capital Budapest. However, the government may indeed declare certain leniencies in Budapest as well, and therefore we should be aware of how we should act in that case. Since we are dealing with issues of life and death, I feel it is my duty to let you know my opinion. I think we should under no circumstances be opening our Shuls now. Rather, each person should continue praying in his own home, just as we were doing until now. Just as the Rema paskened in Shulchan Aruch (הרוי העד ׳יס זטק ה״ס): “One should be careful of all things which may bring to danger, for something dangerous is even more severe than something which is prohibited. And we should be more concerned regarding a possible danger, than regarding a possible prohibition etc. and he who guards his soul should distance himself from them. And one may not rely on a miracle, or endanger his life with anything the like of these”. We live in a country where the people behave in a manner of doing “whatever seems proper in their own eyes”, and therefore it may be that it is not within my power to stop Shuls from opening by law, but as the Mara d’asra, the Rabbi of the community, and the Head Shaliach of Chabad in this country, I order you not to open your Shuls, and not to congregate in any other manner as well. When it comes to matters of life and death we do not simply follow the majority and even a danger for a minority of people is also considered

