Zalai történeti tanulmányok - Zalai gyűjtemény 42. (Zalaegerszeg, 1997)

Varga Zsuzsanna: Érdek, érdekeltség, érdekérvényesítés a termelőszövetkezetekben, különös tekintettel a zalai szövetkezetekre. 1956-1958

ZSUZSANNA VARGA: INTEREST, INTERESTEDNESS AND ENFORCEMENT OF INTEREST IN THE AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVES, WITH ESPECIAL REGARD TO THE AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVES OF COUNTY ZALA 1956 - 1958 Summary The study examines what happened with the agricultural cooperatives in Zala county from the end of 1956 to the end of 1958. This question belongs to the „white spots” of national agricultural history. As a much larger range of the documents of that period have become accessible since 1990, the possibilities of filling in the gaps in historiography have grown significantly. In order to complete, and in some cases to counterpoint the interpretation found in the documents of the central party and state organs, the author carried on research in several counties, such as Zala county. During the archive research the author found justification why the dissolution of the collective farms took place in such a great proportion in Zala, extending the national average rate. On the other hand the research drew light on the facts which had lead to the survival of certain collecting farms. Looking at the internal circumstances of the collective farms that were preserved or reformed between 1956 and 1958, it can be almost every­where seen that those who remained in the collective farms took an essentially different orientation from the earlier compulsory soviet model. The modifications concerned the issues related to work power and work discipline, more exactly the porblems of interest which could be found behind these. Before 1956 neither the ownership nor the interpreneur interestedness did not play a serious role. To answer the problems raised by the functional changes in Zala collective farming agriculture, share croppiing and consequently individual-familial land-division, as well as working time remuneration and intensified household farming were introduced. These reforms were not equally appreciated by party and state organs. Strating with the end of 1957 leftist ideas which aimed at maintaining the collective farms within the limits of the Charter grew more and more powerful. This is the reason why the more succesful strategies that 405

