Közlemények Zala megye közgyűjteményeinek kutatásaiból - Zalai Gyűjtemény 16. (Zalaegerszeg, 1981)

Gyimesi Endre: Vázlat Kamondy László írói pályájáról

•s The events of 1956 and the often unfounded impeachments of his short stories profoundly shake him, he loses his security as a writer. From the social-political problems hp turns more and more towards the moral-ethical problems of common­day life. He declares, that in the new society we can not live according to old moral, and that in order to change life, we ourselves have to change first. He makes short détours first into the genre of novels (The Descendant of the Apostles), then into that of dra ma (e. g." Impeachment and Magic), but it is in his short stories that he crea­tes works of abiding value. He is a man of intransigent moral norms, who is seeking the general truth which reaches also the life of commonday people and makes itself valid. For his volume „Pilléred Pleasures'" he is awarded in 1965 the Attila József Prize. In the second half of the '960's his literary career undergoes a crisis. The wri­ter, disillusioned in the possibilities of public action, loses himself more and more in the portrayal of the moral questions of everyday life. The social message beco­mes more and more metastatic and then steps into the background. His creative for­ce diminishes —, through some of his works are even in this period excellent — but he is unable to keep the outstanding level. His world as a writer tightens, his self­discipline admired so often in his works, slackens. And he, who wrote his most won­derful short stories just in the period when nearly all the other writers felt uncer­tain or kept silent — lost by the end of the '960's his faith as a writer. In 1972 he committed suicide. He wrote clearly and courageously, he exposed mercilessly whatever dishonesty he experienced. The continuous re-issue of his dra­mas and short stories assures the future presence of his improving passion in our socialist reality.

