William Penn Life, 2016 (51. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2016-02-01 / 2. szám

Aging Well with Cathy Graham Enjoy some wintertime fun FRESH FALLEN SNOW stirs a calling in me. As a kid, I spent my winters outside somewhere playing in the newly fallen snow. I had a metal saucer with several dents and dings in it. It went super-fast down the hillside, and as it spun around, it tossed me from side to side. I still love sled riding, building snowmen and making angels. What is not to love? As long as you are dressed for the temperatures and conditions, going outside in the winter, even for a walk, is a great experience. If you have young grandchildren, the winter fun is unbeatable. Pull the little tykes around the yard on a sled, giving them a tour of snow covered fences and trees. If you time it just right, a little snow business right before lunch helps to ensure a sound afternoon nap. Older grandchildren will most likely jump at the chance to go snowshoeing. Many of our area parks and recreation spots rent snowshoes and cross-country skis and provide clearly marked trails. The whole package is time well spent for both your heart and soul. If you are more into organized snow fun, check out the tubing parks at area ski resorts. Tubing offers groomed tracks and assistance on the uphill part. Tubing sessions last anywhere from one to two hours. Check with the facility for more information. Oftentimes, they provide an outdoor bonfire or a roaring fire inside. Even for non­skiers, an afternoon trip to a resort can be a wonderful change of scenery. It makes sense to get out and frolic in the winter fun land all around us. So, get out your extra warm hat and boots and suit up for a spectacular outing with Old Man Winter. Cathy Graham is director of the Graceful Aging Wellness Center at Bethlen Communities in Ligonier, Pa. Magyar Matters Hungarian Cultural Center hopes to expand facilities brick by brick HIRAM, OH — The Hungarian Cul­tural Center of Northeastern Ohio is inviting individuals, families, organi­zations and businesses to support its efforts to enhance its club grounds by sponsoring.. .bricks. They're calling the effort the Brick Walkway Fundraiser Project. The idea is simple: donors can sponsor bricks that will be used as part of a new walkway leading from the club's beautiful Székely Kapu (entry gate) into the grounds. The brick walkway would provide not only an attractive welcome to the grounds, but also a safer entry for members and visitors that are physically challenged. Brick sponsors can honor both living and deceased family mem­bers and friends, while businesses, churches and organizations can show their support for the club's efforts to promote Hungarian culture and traditions. There will be two sizes of bricks available: • 4- x 8-inch bricks - 3 lines with 20 characters per line at $50 per brick; • 8- x 8-inch bricks - 6 lines with 20 characters per line at $100 per brick Brick sponsor order forms can be found on the Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeast Ohio's website: wurw.hungariancluh.org. Payment of bricks must be made by cash, check or money order only. Checks and money orders are payable to the "HCC of NEO." Profits from the Brick Walkway Fundraiser Project will be used to cover the expenses for expanding the club grounds' kitchen, adding new handicapped restrooms for both men and women and insulating the main building so that it can be used year round. The building fund goal is $150,000, and the club is one-third of the way toward reaching that goal. For more information about the HCC of NEO and the Brick Walkway Fundraiser Project, call 216-251-8126. Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel to host annual ball CLEVELAND — The Cleveland Hun­garian Development Panel (CHDP) will host its 26th Annual Paprika Ball on Saturday, March 12, in the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, located in downtown Cleveland. The theme for the annual black tie event will honor “The Fine Arts of Hungarians” in collaboration with The Cleveland Museum of Art. The event includes cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, entertainment, a silent auction and dancing to the music of Harmonia. Individual tickets are available for $200, $300, and $500 while tables of eight are available starting at $2,500. For more information, call 216- 295-9234. William Penn Life 0 February 2016 ° 9

