William Penn Life, 2004 (39. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2004-12-01 / 12. szám

The Hungarian Kitchen with Főszakács Béla Home for the holidays FÁRADJON BE AMAGYAR KONYHÁBA Chef Vilmos and I would like to wish you all the best of this holiday season we are in.We are at the end of another year looking forward to 2005 with great expectations. At this time of the year, I like to reflect on where I've been and where I intend to go. While I can mention things like cooking, Harvard, my friend Chef Vilmos and the William Penn Asso­ciation that are all important to me, the most important is family! Everyone always wants the best for their family. Yes, friends are impor­tant as well, but it's the strong family ties that let us enjoy the friends in our life that are also members of other families. Now, more than ever, we need to come together as one big fraternal family and move us all ahead in 2005. On that positive note, I will prom­ise you more from this column in 2005 with special events for the members, more recipes and a new cookbook. Speaking of the cookbook, we have many recipes to go through, so Vilmos and I will be busy over the holidays. Next month I'll give you all the details about the WPA cookbook. I will also give you an insight about what we will accomplish in the Hungarian Kitchen. Yes, there will be surprises and even a few contests. I want to thank all of you who continue to support the Hungarian Kitchen. I find it very flattering that this column gets a lot of positive feedback. Chef Vilmos and I thank you very, very much. This months selection recipes, plus some from November and a few from October, should give you quite a selection for an open house this time of the year. There is no better way to share the spirit of the season than to share the warmth of your home with food made by loving family members. May you have a wonderful Christ­mas and a prosperous New Yea Beef Horseradish Blend I container small curd cottage cheese I jar of chipped beef or corned beef 1 tablespoon of horseradish In a mixing bowl blend all ingredi­ents very well then chill for 30 minutes. Spread on crackers and garnish with sliced olives, parsley or fresh herbs. May also be left in a bowl for guests to spread on baked croutons. Deviled Mixed Nuts 3 tablespoons melted butter 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Drops of Tabasco Sauce I pound mixed nuts Salt and pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl add all the ingredients and mix well. Spread out on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes stirring every 5 minutes. Let cool to room temperature then serve your guests. Holiday Bourbon Wieners 2 pounds all beef hot dogs from the Hungarian butcher 2 cups ketchup 2 cups brown sugar I cup bourbon (or more, your choice) Cut hot dogs into I inch pieces. In a saucepan add the hot dogs, ketchup, brown sugar and bourbon. Bring to a boil then turn down heat to simmer until the sauce thickens a bit about 2 hours. Serve warm in a chafing dish with hors d’oeuvres picks on the side. Honey Walnut Spread I cup coarsely chopped walnuts 16 ounces cream cheese 5 tablespoons golden blossom honey I tablespoon canola oil In a skillet or small sauté pan, place canola oil and walnuts. Heat nuts until they are toasted, stirring all the time so they don’t burn. In a mixing bowl place cream cheese and honey Continued on next page 10 ffilliu Phi Life, December 2004

