William Penn Life, 1997 (32. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1997-01-01 / 1. szám

Page 8, William Penn Life, January 1997 Branch News Children of Branch 132 South Bend, Ind., share a moment with Santa Claus during the branch’s annual Christmas party. Santa Claus pays a yuletide visit to the young members who attended a Christmas party hosted by Branch 800 Altoona, Pa. Members yound and old shared the spirit of the holiday season during a family Christmas party sponsored by Branch 159 Phoenixville, Pa. Branch 159 Phoenixville, PA By Caroline B. Kovach Branch 129 Coordinator Despite the gloomy, cold and wet weather that prevailed on Sun­day, Dec. 1., many happy and anxious faces appeared at the Burger King restaurant for Branch 159’s annual Christmas party. Caroline Kovach, branch co­ordinator, welcomed everyone as they arrived and distributed the William Penn goodie bag to each family. Many members expressed their appreciation and how they always look forward to receiving the many useful little articles tucked inside each bag, a little something for everyone in the family. This year’s surprise sun­glasses were a big hit with the children. Unfortunately, Santa’s rein­deer had a problem with all the rain and could not get Santa to the party. However, everyone en­joyed their meal and their day. Gift certificates from Burger King were distributed to each child, and a small token gift was given to each mother, a tradition started by the late Bill Kovach about 18 years ago. My appreciation and a big thank you to Stan Varner and Alex Sera for their help with the party. For your life insurance needs, please contact Caroline Kovach at (610) 933-8391. Branch 226 McKeesport, PA By Alexander J. Goydan Branch 226 Secretary & Coordinator Branch 226 held its election of officers for 1997 and its annual Christmas party on Dec. 8 at the American Legion Hall in White Oak. All officers were reelected for another term: Michael Bene­dict, president; Bette Hoffman, vice president; Violet Lenart, treasurer; Alexander j. Goydan, secretary; and Joseph Szarka, auditor. At the opening ot the meeting, a moment of silence was observed in honor of Branch Auditor Helen W. Domencic who passed away on Nov. 26, 1996. She was a member of Branch 395, and later Branch 226, for more than 70 years and was very dedicated to the fraternal and Hungarian spirit. After the meeting, guests, fam­ily members and children began appearing for the party. The weather was ideal and the Christ­mas spirit prevailed. More than 115 were in attend­ance when Haberman the Magi­cian entertained the children. Santa and Mrs. Claus then ap­peared, passing out the usual gifts. A $2 bill was also given to each child by Vice President Hoff­man. Everyone partook of a buffet which included cold cuts, riga­­toni, baked beans, fried chicken, salads, parsley potatoes, jello, soft drinks and coffee. Remember, for all your life insurance needs—including change of beneficiaries and up­dating your coverage—give me a call at (412) 751-8259. Branch 296 Springdale, PA By Anna Marie Pochan Branch 296 Secretary-Treasurer Happy New Year to all our friends in the William Penn Asso­ciation. Our branch Christmas party was a huge success thanks to our officers and loyal members who decorated, cooked, baked and served a delicious lunch. Thank you to the Home Office for its generous support. The children enjoyed entertain­ment provided by Gary the ma­gician. Santa arrived to pass out bags filled with goodies. The chil­dren were given a ticket upon entering the hall for door prize drawings. Among the guests at­tending were National President George S. Charles Jr. and his wife Dianne, and the Rev. Posta and his family from Ligonier, Pa. The prayer before the meal was offer­ed by Rev. Posta, minister of the Springdale Hungarian Reformed Church. Our annual election of officers was held Dec. 13. Unanimously reelected for 1997 were: Ralph Schuller, president; John Rusak, vice president; Anna Marie Po­chan, secretary-treasurer; and Mary Wesoloski and Jenny Wis­­lie, auditors. A sincere thank you to all the members for their generous dona­tions of non-perishable food items. The local food bank and those it serves greatly appreciate your generosity. Our condolences to the family of William (Vim) Mattie who passed away in December. Continued get well wishes go to Julius Kupas from all his friends at Branch 296. Happy birthday wishes to Sue Molnár and all our members celebrating birthdays this month. Branch 590 Cape Coral, FL By Joan Mauerman Branch Treasurer Members of Branch 590 attended the dinner show in Fort Myers on Dec. 14. The show was called "Hollidazzle,” a very enjoyable musical complete with a modern day Santa on a Harley Davidson and wearing a gold lamé jacket. Everyone seemed to enjoy the show, and the food was very good. Prior to the show we held our branch meeting and election of officers. The officers elected were: Michael Tomcsak, presi­dent; Bill Bartus, vice president; Rose Darab, secretary; Joan Mauerman, treasurer; and Irene Sabo and Elizabeth Posey, audi­tors. Congratulations to all. On Dec. 17, several of our members enjoyed a Christmas boat ride on the canals of Punta Gorda Isles. The home and boat owners decorate their houses, boats, trees and property with thousands of lights. Thanks to Tony and Eleanor Di Giulio for making the arrangements for the beautiful ride. Get well wishes go to Joe Bo­­dick, who recently underwent surgery. Hope to see him at our Jan. 11 branch meeting. Our condolences go to the family of Steve Bartus, who passed away in December. His son Bill is our branch vice presi­dent, and his wife Betty is a former branch treasurer. Birthday greetings to John Var­ga of Zolfa Springs and to all members who we may have missed. Branch 800 Altoona, PA By Vincent Frank Branch 800 President Happy New Year 1997 to all! Let us hope the new year will bring good health to all members. May all of those who are experien­cing some sort of illness have their good health restored to them in the months to follow. The branch held the election of officers for the new year at the December meeting. Those elected were: Vincent Frank, president; Paul Masic, vice president; George Dorman, secretary; Ro­bert Jones, treasurer; and Robert Aiken, Melvin Frank and Edwin Smith, auditors. A big thank you goes to the Home Office for helping to make Branch 800’s annual Christmas party a big success. The nice items that were sent us for distri­bution were great and enjoyed by all, both adults and children. Santa Claus gave each child a nice bag of goodies. The social hall really had the touch of Christ­mas. The party was topped off with a super dinner followed by the awarding of so many door prizes that each person in attend­ance received one. A big thank you goes to all those who helped in any way to put on this "better-than-ever” event for the branch. It would not have been possible to have it without all of your help. The branch’s three holiday bas­kets were delivered just before Christmas. The three families who received them were very thankful because they were really in need of assistance. We are happy we were able to make their holiday season a little bit brighter. And now, as the new year has begun, we remind all members that you are most welcome to attend all of the branch meetings. It would be good if you joined us. Branch 8020 McKees Rocks, PA By Nick Kotik Branch 800 Secretary-Treasurer The elderly men and women who live in Pat’s House and Hope House personal care homes in McKees Rocks were treated to two beautiful, delicious and deco­rated sweetcakes on Thanks­giving courtesy of Branch 8020. The 80 residents of both homes really enjoyed the treat. Over the holiday our branch also delivered three baskets of food to needy families. Each bas­ket included a 12-pound ham paid for by our branch. We also purchased and deliver­ed 20 dozen cookies to the chil­dren and staff at the DePaul Institute of Pittsburgh. The school serves children with speech and hearing disorders. Branch 8121 St. Marys, PA By Margaret Marconi Branch 8121 Secretary Our branch held its Christmas party and meeting on Dec. 1 at St. Marys Parochial School an­nex. During the business portion of the meeting, we signed get well and birthday cards for our mem­bers and swore-in our officers for the new year. There will be no branch meet­ings in the months of January, February and March due to the normally bad weather we have. The location of our meetings, once they resume, will be changed from the annex back to St. Marys Grade School. A wonderful Christmas party was held after our meeting. All received door prizes. We wish to thank the William Penn for its generous support of our party. We also wish everyone the best throughout 1997.

