William Penn Life, 1997 (32. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)
1997-01-01 / 1. szám
Branch News Page 4, William Penn Life, January 1997 Continued from Page 3 Basket program. We couldn't do it without you. The party was attended bt 89 members, 49 of whom were Children. 1 must thank some special people for their help withj the party: Anthony and Margarite Beke, Lou and Elizabeth Deregi, Rey Holguin, Ernie and Helen Molnár, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, Christmas Carol (Krisztina) and Tom House. It takes many hands to make things Work. Thank you from the bottojn of my heart. Very special get well wishes to Betty Holguin. You are mjssed very much. Please get well soon. Congratulations also to our own Helen Molnár, wife of Ijirnie Molnár. Besides always Ifieing there when 1 need her, Helet(i was presented the " Hero of the C lornmunity” award. 1 always limew she was a hero. Happy birthday wishes to petty Johnson "Mom,” Ida K^nyo, John Toth, Lucy Johnson and, last but not least, "Maggie.’] May you ail have many more. Now that the holiday season is behind us, perhaps you can! now start to think about putting your bowling teams together. Reijnember, one person on each team must be a life-benefit member of the WPA. We have many Iwonderful surprises planned fop- this year’s tournament. 1 hope dveryone plans on taking part in everything. Mark you new 1997 calendars with these two dates, Jan. ID and Feb. 14, the dates of our next two membership meetings. Both will be held at the Hungarian American Culture Center, 26257 God • dard Road, Taylor, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Please try to attend. The Culture Center also serves traditional Hungarian cuisine on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. You might want to have dinner before the meeting begins. We’re looking forward to seeing you there. If you need help with your life insurance needs, or if you have news to share, please call me at (313) 383-4472. Thank you, Lou Almassy and Helen Molnár, for delivering our gift certificates to needy families. We helped six families thi4 year. Stay healthy and warm. Branch 26 Sharon, PA By Betty Panin Branch 26 President On Dec. 7 our branch held its annual Christmas party for the children and adults. Our lunch buffet included kolbassi, hot dogs and the trimmings, plus an array of cookies and Hungarian pastries baked by Margaret Rack eta. She also donated many gifts and stuffed animals which the children had a chance to win. The magician Ray and his wife performed many tricks with live birds and animals, ending with an array of balloons. The highlight of the party was the arrival of Santa Claus who passed out treats, candy, fruit and novelties provided by the Home Office. Our Santa (Dick Wiles) had help from his elves (daughters Susie and Patty) who also led us in singing Christmas carols. Without the financial help of the Home Office this successful party would not have been possible. The officers and members thank the Home Office for the generous contribution toward this party and for helping to make it possible for us to provide holiday baskets to the needy. A prosperous and happy new year to all. Branch 28 Youngstown, OH By Kathy Novak Branch 28 Reporter Happy 1997! We hope everyone had a joyous and blessed holiday. Another successful branch Christmas party was held with the help of the Home Office. We thank the Home Office for all the items it sent for distribution and for the financial support. We also thank all our members who helped make the buffet table complete and the afternoon more fun. Santa spent time visiting the children while the Aut Mori Grotto clowns (a local service group that helps handicapped children) entertained everyone with music, tricks and balloon forms. Santa’s helpers passed out the special gifts and bags of goodies. Branch photographer Frank Schauer took the group picture. The buffet this year included sandwiches, salads, casseroles, munchies, jello, cake and beverages. Special raffles were held for the children and adults. The 50/50 raffle was won by 10- year-old Michael Vizi. The gifts left over were given to Tod Children’s Hospital for distribution to the children there. Following the party, the officers for 1997 were elected at a brief meeting conducted by sales rep Alan Szabó. Our officers are: Steve Novak, president; Frank Schauer, vice president; Kathy Novak, secretary-treasurer; and Marge Schauer and Eugene Sakasits, auditors. Congratulations to all. With the aid of the Home Office, our branch gave four holiday certificates to needy families this year. The annual Thanksgiving vesper services were held at St. Stephen King of Hungary Church on Nov. 26, with several branch members in attendance. Clergy participating in the service were: the Rev. Henry Pearce, pastor of the Hungarian Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Ken Sausman of the American Hungarian Reformed Church; the Rev. Dezső Torok, retired pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church; the W intery weather didn’t stop these members of Branch 14 Cleveland from enjoying a "William Penn Association Night at the Races" in November at the Northfield Park harness racing track. Santa Claus (who bore a strong resemblance to John M ozer) and Branch 51 President Art Barillo give gifts to children at the branch’s Christmas party. Rev. Melvin Rusnak, pastor of St. Stephen of Hungary; the Rev. John Reiss, pastor of Our Lady of Hungary Church; and the Rev. Gabor Tomas. Also taking part were church choirs and Mrs. Tomas. Applause, applause to the sponsors of the triple anniversary gala event held Nov. 3. The 250 people in attendance, including branch members Mary Schauer and Irene Tomory, enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the Moonraker. The program included: the Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble; Dr. László Domonkos, a professor at Youngstown State University; Mrs. Joseph Gyorik of the National Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation of Washington, D.C.; Ohio State Rep. Michel Verich; the Rev. Dezső Torok; the Rev. Sándor Farkas; and Joseph Losoney. I had the honor of serving as emcee for this special event. The out-of-town guests expressed gratitude for the invitations to be part of such an impressive affair. The committee achieved its goal of presenting to the general public the pride we have for our heritage, by conducting a respectful and dignified event that received television and newspaper coverage. With all the recent holiday celebrating, we don’t want to forget to send special greetings to all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month. Best of luck to Frank, Elizabeth, Rachael and Jeremy Schauer who recently relocated to the Naperville, 111., area. Insurance inquiries can be directed to Alan Szabó at (330) 797-5057 or Gabe Nameth at (330) 792-8145. Branch 34 Pittsburgh, PA By Andrew W. McNelis National Director On Dec. 14, at St. Ann’s Church hall, our branch held its annual children’s Christmas party. Although the flu season kept the attendance down, 31 juvenile members and 36 adults turned out to enjoy the magic of "Doc” Dougherty. After the show, lunch was served and everyone waited to see if our special guest would arrive. The tension eased as everyone sang "Jingle Bells” and Santa (thank you, Walt, you’re the best) made his entrance. Sanfa then walked through the crowd asking all the boys and girls if they had been good during the past year. All responded yes. Santa sat with each child and asked what they would like for Christmas, then his helpers distributed gifts and candy to all the children. St. Ann’s hall was also the site for our branch elections and adult Christmas party on Dec. 15. The branch election was conducted by National Director Michael Kara. Elected to serve the branch for the upcoming year were: Andy McNelis, president; Walt Bugielski, vice president; Miriam Hager, secretary; Marguerite McNelis, treasurer; and Lou Kubus and Bill Mayor, auditors. National Vice President-Treasurer Diane Torma installed the officers. Our thanks and deep appreciation go to all the branch members that helped set up the hall, made cookies, and ran errands to make the parties successful. Also, special thanks goes to the National Officers and Board of Directors for making our children’s Christmas party possible. If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Andy McNelis at (412)421- 6031. For information about William Penn insurance and annuity policies, please contact Branch Coordinator Maria Bistey at (412) 431-6035. Branch 51 Passaic, NJ By Arthur Barillo Branch 51 President On Dec. 1, Branch 51 held its annual election of officers and family Christmas party at the American Hungarian Citizen Club in Garfield, N.J. Those elected to serve our branch in 1997 were: Arthur Barillo, president; Frank Zimmerman, vice president; Richard A. Mozer, treasurer; Ernest J. Mozer Sr., secretary; and Joseph Baumgartner and Christine K. Mozer, auditors. President Barillo thanked the members for all their faithful assistance during the past year and for making a rough task a lot easier. Entertainment for the party was supplied by Jeff Michaels the magician who held the chil-Continued on Page 5