William Penn Life, 1977 (12. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1977-01-01 / 1. szám

Riverdale, 111.; please join us. We play bunco and cards and refreshments are served. Our next meeting will be held January 9, 1977, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Fraternally, Betty Akai, Reporter 27 TOLEDO, OHIO Santa made his annual visit to the Branch 27 Children’s Christmas Party. He gave each child a large Christmas stocking filled with candy, and lead the children in singing Christmas carols. He was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ivancso, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Feyes, Mrs. John Nagy, Mr. Frank Veres and Madeleine Ivancso, who served ice cream, soft drinks and cookies. Door prizes which consisted of two banks with $5.00 in each were won by 12 year old Rex Aranyosi and 2 year old Theresa Vacso. Most of the children brought their parents and a very Merry Christmas was had by all. John A. Zam Branch Manager 28 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO The annual Christinas Party was a great success. President John Bunchy extended greetings to the children and their parents. After the Carol Books were passed out, he reminded everyone that the Board of Directors and Home Office was generous in helping to make this event possible. The program for the afternoon in­cluded the children singing Christmas Carols and then they were greeted by Santa Claus, who was ready to listen to what the little ones had to whisper in his ear. Our thanks to Frank Lorant for being such a sympathetic Santa’s help­er. Jack Palmer showed movies. Door prizes, silver dollars, were then given out. Santa also gave each child a box of chocolate candy. Refreshments were en­joyed by all and everyone left the Christmas Party in a happy frame of mind and are looking forward to next year’s party. Election of Officers took place on the 2nd Tuesday of December at Calvin Center. The following were elected to Office: President, John Bunchy; Vice President, Mike Tomcsak; Secretary- Treasurer, Anna Wash; Auditors, Mary Tomcsak, John and Helen Kaluczky. We wish to thank all of the Officers for their efforts in keeping Branch 28 active. Mr. Gabe Nameth, Branch Manager, spoke at the Children’s Christmas Party and also at the Branch meeting stress­ing the importance of enrolling new members. He is available at all times to explain the various insurance plans to members and prospective members. Best wishes to everyone for the com­ing year. Anna Wash Branch 28 Reporter 51 PASSAIC, N.J. Branch 51 officers were very happy to see such a wonderful turnout for our Christmas Party by the juvenile mem­bers and their parents which was held on December 12 at the President Palace Hall. Greeting the members upon their ar­rival were lovely Hungarian melodies played by Donna and Michael Smethy on the violin and accordion accompanied by their father, Al, on the piano. This set the mood for a very enjoyable and fra­ternal afternoon. The children were entertained by the showing of various reels of movies for about 45 minutes. Then afterward all the members sang Christmas carols. The grand finale was the entrance of Santa (Frank Hepp) who thrilled the children with his conversation and giving of gifts to all of them. Truly a wonderful time was had by all present at this affair. Refreshments were then served by the wives of the officers of the Branch. Presently we are without any branch manager or special agent. Should any members have any questions or prob­lems regarding their policies please feel free to call the home office in Pitts­burgh during normal working hours. They will be only too glad to help you with your questions. Also, should you or any other adult member of this branch not be receiving the William Penn Life magazine, let any branch officer or the home office know about it and we’ll get your name on the mailing list promptly. Our new officers for 1977, who were elected on December 5, 1976 at our an­nual election are: President, Andrew Nemeth; Vice Pres­ident, Sándor Lakatos; Secretary, Ernest Mozer; Treasurer, Frank Zimmermann. Auditors, Mrs. Helen Lakatos and Jo­seph Baumgartner. As outgoing President of Branch 51 I want to thank all my officers and those CONCERNED members who in the past have helped to keep our Branch active. All your efforts are appreciated. The officers of this Branch recently had the opportunity to meet with our new vice president in charge of sales, Mr. Stephen Szilagyi. We were favor­ably impressed by him and are con­vinced that with his knowledgeable back­ground the William Penn Association will move ahead at a rapid pace in 1977. All the officers of Branch 51 wish a Happy and Healthful New Year to all our brothers and sisters of the William Penn Association. Fraternally, Ernest Mozer, Outgoing President Branch 51, Passaic, N.J. 59-V SCALP LEVEL, PA. Our Children’s Christmas Party was held from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Scalp Level V.F.W. Home rear, 520 Main Street. This year the weather was in our favor so we had a large turnout of parents and children. The children had a good time getting acquainted and playing games. The par­ents socialized and enjoyed watching the children. Song books and yuletide gifts were distributed by the officers. Sandwiches and soft drinks were served to all. The children were a big help by setting the table and serving the parents. Pictures were taken and the children fully cooperated. Door prizes were drawn. The following were the winners: Lisa Marie Totsky, Christopher Totsky, Karen Korch, Susan Korch, Robert Va­­salinda, Robert Zeglin, Mary Ann Han­­charick, Dana Roman, Mary Louise Toth, and John Korch. We want to thank the home office for giving us this opportunity to have a Christmas Party. Mrs. Mary Miller 76 PHILADELPHIA, PA. It is not often that an entertainment committee enjoys an affair as much as their guests; that is what happened at our last Dinner-Dance, therefore, we wish to thank National Auditor, Mr. Michael Ilrabar and wife, Anne, Direc­tors, Mr. Frank Radvany and wife, Elsie, Mr. Zoltán B. Emri and wife, Audrey, Mr. Michael Hegedűs and wife, Barbara, Branch 22 President, Mr. Bela Emri and wife, Branch 13, Trenton, New Jersey, 22 Roebling, New Jersey, 16 Perth Amboy, New Jersey, the many members of the Phoenixville Hungarian Club and our loyal members. It was the combined efforts of all that made our 15

