Vízügyi Közlemények, 1986 (68. évfolyam)

2. füzet - Muszkalay László-Starosolszky Ödön: Vízépítési műtárgyak hitelesítésének tapasztalatai

294 Muszkalay L. és Starosolszky Ö. IRODALOM Muszkalav L.: Kisminta és műtárgy hidraulikai összehasonlítása. Beszámoló a VITUKI 1955. évi munkájáról. VÍZDOK, Budapest, 1956. Muszkalay L.: 1956-ban a tiszalöki öntözőrendszerben végzett mérések és mütárgyhitelesítések. Beszámoló a VITUKI 1956. évi munkájáról. VÍZDOK, Budapest. 1958. Muszkalay L. Starosolszky Ö. Vízépítési műtárgyak vizsgálata. VITUKI Kiadvány, Budapest, 1969. Starosolszky Ö -Muszkalay L.-Börzsönyi A.: Vizhozammérés. VITUKI-VÍZDOK kiadás. Budapest. 1971. WMO: Stream gauging manual. Geneva, 1980. VMS: Hidraulikai mérések. Zsilipek vízszállításának mérése. VMS 232/3. VÍZDOK, Budapest, 1981. * * * Experiences in the calibration of hydraulic structures by L. MUSZKALA Y, C. E. and Dr. Ö. STAROSOLSZKY, C. E„ candidate of the technical sciences Continuous determination of discharges are made possible by the use of rating curves in rivers that are in natural condition. Reliability of these curves is a function of the steadiness of a cross-section and of the slope of the water surface. Streamflows - especially small rivers - often change their flow characteristics either con­tinuously or periodically due to man-made interferences. Therefore, other solutions were preferred in many cases instead of using the traditional stage-discharge functions. A possible solution was to build a measuring structure at the site. Another - more economic - solution was to use the regulation structures - the tools of human interferences - as measuring devices calibrating them for the determination of discharges. On the basis of calibration tests on site, it could be stated in case of 185 structures (Table I) that the measurements were not more reliable - although they should have been - due to substantial relative errors in the observations, to small changes in the otherwise fixed profiles (Fig. 1), to the complexity of such structures (Figs. 2 and 3) and because of changes in the character of flow. The reliability of measurements could be increased by detailed - on site - hydraulic control investiga­tions. It seems to be important to observe more carefully and continuously the position of the water level upstream and downstream to the structure, and right at the movable gates. Also, the planning of new types of structures seems to be unavoidable to comply with the requirements of simple and uniform flow profiles. Traditional measuring tools must be substituted by ultrasound measuring devices. Despite, the determination of hydraulic relationships with due regard on the conditions of operation cannot be avoided in the future.

