Vízügyi Közlemények, 1984 (66. évfolyam)

4. füzet - Rövidebb tanulmányok, közlemények, beszámolók

685 Варпаиие. Патриц. M.: Анализ антро- Домокош. М. Штельцер, А". Карга эле­погенного воздействия на сток в за- ментов водного баланса водосбора рубежных частях водосбора р. Тисы. 4-652 Дуная 4-670 SUMMARIES IN ENGLISH IN 1984 Volume­-page keszthelyi, E., Bozóky-Szeszich. К. and Költő, G.: Hydraulic study on regional water distribution networks 1-33 Kontur, I. Estimation of the parameters of forecasting models from stages and stage differences 1-47 Baross, К. and Kornis Akantisz, Zs. (Mrs.): River training by cutting a double bend over the Pápóc section of the Rába River 1-66 Joó, О.: Possibilities of checking eutrophi­cation in Lake Balaton 1 -89 Jolánkai, G.: Variations in the phosphorus content along the Zala River 1-102 Vörös, L., V. Balogh, К. (Mrs.), Máté, F. and Ligeti, L.: Silting rate estimation by paleolimnological methods 1-113 Máté, A.: Construction work on the North-Budapest sewage treatment plant 1-124 Hoffmann. /., Szilágyi, F. and G t te bon, A. A.: Application of automatic, mobile systems in water quality investigations 1-132 Juhász, E.: Rapid composting facility for sewage sludge and garbage 1-162 Karkus, P.: Hydrological equivalence of the Danube-Tisza interbasin transfer and storage in the Tisza Valley 1 170 Bencsik, V.: Hydrological bases for the calculation of design floods of rivers . 2 204 Bálint, Z.: Comparative investigation of the sluice-chain model 2-217 Ambrus, S.. Borkert, M. and Ilse. J.: Fore­casting of discharges by use of the RIMO-model 2-228 Szilágyi, E., Takács, L. and Hamza. I.: Serial discharge measurements at Lake Hévíz 2-238 Mrs. Gilyén, Hofer, A. and Domokos. M.: A model for the simulation of water resources development in an extended catchment of Lake Balaton 2-256 Németh. M. and Szalay, M. Methodologi­cal problems of the assessment of sur­face water resources 2-267 Nemes, G.: L. Bedekovich, first hydraulic engineer of Jászkunság (Hungary) ... 2-278 Páka, J.: Development of the Oued Rhir Valley 2 291 Dakó, S. and Ondruss, L.: Investigation of stream deposits in some experimental basins of Algeria 2-302 Starosolszky, Ö.: Activity of the World Meteorological Organization in hydrol­ogy and water resources development 2-310 Dezsény, Z.: Cartographic representation of the erosion potential and com­parative analysis of the erosion hazard 2-324 Ritter, G.: Controlling operation of water distribution networks to minimize pow­er costs 2-332 L Iritz, A. B. Sukhobodsky and A. Szöl­lösi-Nagy: Numerical parameter sen­sitivity and stability analysis of the disc­rete linear cascade model 2-343 Kovács, Gy .: The determination of average runoff values by use of the concept of continuum approach 3-382 Csikász, S.: River regulation over the mid­dle section of the Tisza River 3-399 Szabó, Gy. and Szilágyi, F.: The com­parison of LANDSAT images used for water quality protection at Lake Bala­ton 3 415 Gábri, M.: Nigeria giant of Africa A potential partner in hydraulic export 3 441 Ralovich. B.-Tóth, Jeges, S. (Mrs.) Kau­rek. R. and Braun. Gy.: Computer analy­sis of some bacteriological, biological and chemical parameters of the water of Lake Balaton 3-454 Bauer. J. and Sárdi, A.: Mapping of the bed-load of Lake Balaton by the use of subsurface radar 3-465 Magyar, P.: Determination of water re­sources influenced by runoff regulation 3-475 Csáti. Sz.: Planning of open water trans­port systems based on their transitional state of operation 3—481 Kalina. Gy.: Small-scale investigation of

