Öntözés a kertészetben (Mezőgazdasági és Élelmezésügyi Minisztérium Információs Központja, Budapest, 1976)
CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION (Dr. László CSELOTEI) 1 2. IRRIGATION OF VEGETABLE CROPS 2.1. Irrigation problems of vegetable crops in general (Dr. György VARGA) 4 2.11. Water regime of vegetable crops and its factors 4 2.12. Irrigation objectives in vegetable production 16 2.13. Irrigation methods in vegetable production 22 2.14. Irrigation order of vegetable crops 30 2.15. Relation of agrotechnics to irrigation 49 2.2. Irrigation of individual vegetable crops (Mrs. I. SZILI) 56 2.21. Solanac eae 56 2.22. Cucurbitaceae 72 2.23. Brassica sp. 81 2.24. Onion 85 2.25. Root crops 88 2.26. Legumes 91 2.27. Other vegetables 96 3. IRRIGATION OF FRUCTIFEROUS PLANTS (Dr. Sándor NYÚJTÓ) 3.1. General irrigaL~n problems of fructiferous plants 98 3.11. Water regime of fructiferous plants and factors affecting it 98 3.12. Irrigation objectives in fruit production 107 3.13. Irrigation methods in fruit production 111 3.14. Irrigation order of fructiferous plants 116 3.15. Effect of irrigation on fructiferous plants 119 3.16. Relation of irrigated fruit growing to agrotechnics 123