O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 7/1-2. (Budapest, 1965)
Tóth, J. ; Rácz, B.: A new method of marking fish with a plastic (PVC) opercular tag 1-8. o.
VERTEBRATA HÜNGARICA MUSE! HISTORICO - NATURALIS HUNGARICI Tom. VII. 1965. Fase 1-2. A New Method of Marking Fish with a Plastic (PVC) opercular Tag 1 By 3. TótH and B. ftócx fishery Department of the Research Institute of Small Animals, Gödölló The greatest obstacle our research, work, both in fisöhfarms and freshwater fishery, is the lack of an adequate, quick, lasting, and individual marking of fish. At the same time, fish breeding and our water farming of the lAtural fresh waters urge the investigation of an ever increasing amount of problems which cannot be solved by the marking adf individual fish. Suffice it to mention basic problems like the registering of breeding stocks in fisheries, the elaboration of the methods and principles of selection and breed improvement, researches of output, growth-control of fish liberated into our natural freshwaters, the clarification at the migration of fish, etc. An attempt to solve these problems initialed our investigations, the first results of which are submitted below. Our aim was the elaboration and testing of a method which allows an individual marking suitable for both fishery and freshwater researches, and also meets the basic requirements of mass and reliable work, that is: 1. The process of marking be simple and quick. This 1 A lecture of the Authors on the 574 t h Session of the Zoological Society, 4 June, 1965.