Verhovayak Lapja, 1954 (37. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1954 / Verhovay Journal

August 18, 1954. Verhovay Journal PAGE 7 BRANCH 15- CHICAGO\ ILL By: Andrew Janovics, Vice-President SENTINEL POWER CITY SPRINGDALE, PA. AND NEWS f VICINITY by Edward A. Mattie Branch 296 ~ ■*» __ ■;* --------....................... The summer is creeping slowly away and before we know it, fall will be here. Of course, right now the first thing coming up on our calendar is the golf tournament of August 22, which promises to be much fun. Our controller, Joseph Hodits, has challenged our president, Jim Radi, to a game, and we look forward to seeing the results. Re­member, if you read this before the 22d do come to the tournament 25 miles west of Chicago on Route 20, at the Sporty Villa Olivia Golf and Country Club, for a day of fun, rivalry and relaxed enjoyment. You can go horse back riding, swimming, eat on the picnic grounds or just relax. Talking about summer leaving brings to mind that it is time to register for the bowling season. The time and place to register was after the August meeting, August 15, as you were advised by mail. If you have not done so, register AT ONCE with our bowling secre­tary, Steve Horvath, 5118 N. Men­ard Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. We have only 16 alleys and first choice is being given to the Verhovay Branch 15 bowlers of last season, but if you don’t register AT ONCE it will not be held open and places will be filled with other Branch 15 members who are eager to bowl. If you fail to register in time you will have only yourself to blame if there will not be room for you in September. Bowling will be held Friday nights, 9 P. M., at the Bel­­bowl Recreation, Belmont and Saw­yer Avenues. Talking about summer leaving brings to mind the fall season and, with that, our Fall Masquerade Dance of October 30, in the Herzl Hall. As it was so very hard to please all of our guests at our pre­vious dance, with about half re­questing more and more American numbers and the other half of the guests pleading for more and more “csárdás.” we have come to the conclusion of trying this once, some­thing different, to please each group: We have hired TWO bands; one is “Tee” Pellegrino’s Orchestra and the other is Skolny and his Orches­tra. Mr. Skolny will have a “CIM­BALOM” player in his orchestra, and we can feel already our feet moving to the “csárdás.”. As this, will be a masquerade, there will be prizes for the best costumes, so start planning what you will wear. I have no idea what I shall wear. My wife is planning my costume, says I better not refuse to wear it if I expect to enjoy life. Come you one and all; dress up; let’s enjoy this masquerade dance, Saturday, October 30, at the Herzl Halls, both upstairs and downstairs, at 1335 N. -California Avenue. This dance of October 30 has been advertised since last year in the “Chicago és Környé­ke” newspaper. Reading the above mentioned Hungarian newspaper today, I notice Branch 130 is having a dance October 30, and this brings to my mind the day of their picnic in the summer of 1953 (before the merg­ing of the branches) how at that picnic one of their officials, with tears streaming down his face, com­plained what a shame it was that another organization made a picnic on the same day they did, causing them to have only a handful of people at the branch 130 picnic. How soon this was forgotten for instead of working together branch for branch to expand the name VERHOVAY, they have picked the same day as us to have October 30 for a dance. Well, they are not hurting US, as we can’t be hurt, but did they stop to think that had it been another day, 20 or 30 of us, would have been there representing our branch. I notice in the Journal, as well as in our Chicago Hungarian news­paper, that a drive is on among Field 5 managers to raise $500, 000 new business by December 31. 1 wish much success to them and hope they realize their goal. Well, well, the stork has been ever busy with new additions in three families at our branch. Mr. and Mrs. John Tarol are the proud parents of a baby boy born April 28 at St. Anne’s Hospital. Baby James tipped the scales at 8 lbs. Mr. 'and Mrs. John Benedik proudly show off their baby son, Robert, who was born July 12 at the Lutheran Dea­coness Hospital, the fine weight of S lbs., 4i ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stefely’s blessed event was on July 27 at the West Suburban Hospital. Baby Louis, Jr., was 6 lbs., 8 ounces. Congratulations to the three sets of parents upon the birth of their SONS. Many of our members are off or just coming back from their vaca­tions, among them Jim Radi, our president, who arrived home from Mexico City, Monterey, etc., with an ideal coat of tan. However, you need not travel that far just for a coat of tan, as is proven by Ann Mladonicky, who spent her vacation right here in Chicago and looks like she just returned from all points South. Mr. Frank Földi has gone with his wife on a six weeks tour of the West and to Washington State to visit his son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saillor have returned from their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuparits have returned from 'their Canada vacation. Mrs. Steve Lippai has gone to Cleveland and Barber­ton, Ohio, for a week or two. Wel­come home to Mr. and Mrs. Vince Petti from their European trip. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Habetler are moving into their new home. I have heard that Mr. Anton Lachman has pur­chased a home in Florida. Mr. George Stefely has just returned from two weeks training with the Illinois National Guard. Although our picnic is past, we still look back and remember dif­ferent occurrences, among them how nice it was to see, after all these years, former Journal columnist, “Just me, Marge,” now Mrs. Ken­neth Long, at our picnic. What’s more, Marge looks just the same, not aging at all. Let’s see you offener, Marge. Thanks to Margie Nemeth of New York for the kind compliment she paid to the men of our branch in her article, “Forty and Eight,” in the last month’s Journal. We always thought our guys were great. How­ever, it’s good to hear that others too think they are gentlemen. That’s about it for this month. I expect to go, with my family, on a week’s fishing trip, and hope I can It is a pleasure to report that the annual picnic of the Verhovay Sports Committee held Sunday, July 18th, was an outstanding success! The event was again held at Falcon’s ■Park in New Kensington. The wea­ther was ideal and the crowd was very friendly. A generous “thank you” to the many friends who at­tended and to the men and women who worked at the concessions. The set of Mr. and Mrs. America wrist watches was awarded to Mr. John Palmer of Connellsville. The portable combination radio was won by Miss Margaret Valagura of Springdale. BOWLING The bowling banquet of the Ver­hovay Branch 296 Mixed Ten-Pin Bowling League was held in the dining room of the Verhovay Home on Saturday, June 26th. The deli­cious steak and chicken suppers were served by members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. After the banquet, an interesting business session was held under the chairmanship of Joseph Balia, league president. The group elected the fol­lowing officers for the coming year: Alex Toaso, president; Joe Hamors­­ky, vice-president; Jim McPherson, secretary; Alex Szuch, treasurer; Steve Üveges and Mrs. Alex Toaso, auditors. In the business transacted ft was decided that each new bowler will be charged an initiation fee of $2.00 and that bowlers must bowl at least 60% of their games in order to be eligible for league prizes be­fore they can receive any benefits from the Branch Sports Fund. The bowlers gave a round of ap­plause to the retiring officers for the splendid work they had done. These past officers are Joseph Bal­ia, president; Jim McPherson, vice­­president; Mrs. Walter Wesoloski, secretary and treasurer. After the meeting the bowlers retired to the social quarters for a very enjoyable evening and music by Arthur Nagy and his orchestra. A call for new bowlers is being made so that the present league of four teams may be increased at least to six teams. The league is open both to men and women who are seriously interested in bowling ten-pins (the big ones). Anyone de­siring to bowl should contact any of the league officers of the writer. Bowling will start about the first or second week in September at the Trocarino Bowling Alley in New Kensington. The time will be Sun­day evenings at 6:00 P.M. MISCELLANEOUS The past few weeks has seen a number of members sick. Those who were hospitalized are Mrs. Nick Nyarady, Mrs. Paul Kotan, Herb Willard, Mrs. Anna Lengyel, Mr. Wendell Koosz, Miss Betty Gólya and Mike Farren. Members who were ill are Louis Bodnar, Mrs. Joseph Wislie and Mrs. Stephen Smajda. squeeze it in without missing our regular meeting or the golf tourna­ment. I shall see what I can arrange. Pi S. Just a reminder — Our regular meetings are the THIRD Sunday of every month at the Blue Room of the Lions Bulding, 4306 W. North Avenue. By the way, in my last column I neglected to report that Louis Bod­nar, one of our loyal bowlers, was unable to attend the tournament in New York City because of illness. T Thanks to Steve Mislay of the “Verhovay Youngstown” for the many kind words for Branch 296 in his last column. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The membership drive that has been in progress for some time will draw to a close in a few weeks. Although to date we have not achieved our goal of 200 new mem­bers, there is still time to make it possible. A number of members still have not recommended new mem­bers. However, again said, there is still time left to do so. So get the name and address of your new member to the branch manager as soon as possible!----------<«§ £a>>---------­ON THE JOB Jesse J. Radvansky, a member of progressive Branch 296, Springdale, Pennsylvania, is pictorially caught at work as storekeeper second class, USN, issuing stock in the main ge­neral storeroom aboard the USS Tarawa. The ship left New Zeeland May 17th to continue a round-the-world cruise. During the first part of May she visited Australia and New Zee­­land where, with Fleet Amiral Wil­liam F. Halsey, she represented The United States in the yearly ceremo­nies commemorating the battle of the Coral Sea. Jesse is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Radvansky of 357 Freeport St., New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who lire also active Verhovay members. ----------------------------­Those who complain that thew cannot see their way in life ought) to try dimming their headlights. Nobody yet has found a bettei) substitute for an empty brain than u closed mouth. When two persons are in an ar­gument ,the one who is making more noise and more motions is losing the argument.

