Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. július-december (24. évfolyam, 27-52. szám)

1941-09-25 / 39. szám

1941 Szeptember 25 Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 96 Chicago, Illinois After reading about Albert Jozik’s delightful trip to California, Miss Margaret Vargo’s description of West Virginia, and Mr. Steinmetz’ account oh Sunkist South­ern California, I have the sudden urge to pack my bag, bid adieu to my folks and friends for about six months, and get off on a cross­country tour. Unfortunately, I just started saving pennies and they certainly don’t mount up very fast. And now to get down to the month’s happenings. The Auxiliary didn’t get much business done at its last meeting due to two de­monstrations. One by Miss Littlejohn of the Hydrox Seal test Ice Cream Company, who also supplied delicious prizes that were raffled off, such as an ice cream cake beautifully decorated, party­­ettes, and some bottled beverages (soft drinks). The other demonstrator, Miss Williams of the Wesson Oil Company, also raffled off the salads she made and three cans of Wesson Oil. Mr. John Salancy, Presi­dent of Branch 96 and one of the Directors of the Ver­hovay Organization, was made Supreme Treasurer at the lest Directors’ Meeting. We as fellow members of 96 are all very happy for him and wish him success and best of luck. APPRECIATION PARTY The women members of Chicago Branches 37 and 96 and Indiana Harbor Branch 229, who worked the entire day at .the Chicago District Jubilee celebration, June 22nd, preparing and serving dinners and sandwiches, were guests at a party Wed­nesday, September 3rd, at Prokop’s Hall, given in their honor by Director John Sa­lancy, Chairman of the Chi­cago District Jubilee Com­mittee, Mr. Frank Tinich, District Treasurer, and Mrs. Louis Sabo, District Secre­tary. i i Bunco was played and prizes awarded the follow­ing winners: Mrs. Karafka, Mrs. Simko, Mrs. Bartók, Mrs. Roc.ska, Mrs. Soltész, and Mrs. Kavecsi of Branch 229, Mrs. Demeter and Mrs. Horvath of Branch 37, and Mrs. Bako, Mrs. László, Mrs. Nagy and Mrs. Krumrei of Branch 96. After refresh­ments were served, Mr. Sa­lancy expressed his thanks and appreciation to these women for their services at the picnic, and explained that at the last District meeting the majority of the branch representatives re­quested the distribution of the picnic profits to the branches taking part in the Jubilee celebration, but he, Mr. Tinich, and Mrs. Sabo, decided they, personally would sponsor a party.. For this Mr. Salancy was heartily applauded. Mrs. George Sol­tész of Branch 229 expressed the sentiments of the women in her branch, as did Mrs. Horvath of Burnside. Upon leaving the party, the ladies remarked that they enjoyed themselves very much. Close friendship and fraternalism between the women of these three branches was very evident. We were very sorry that Miss Anne Bodnar of Gary Branch 371 was unable to attend with the young ladies who had charge of the ice cream booth. They certainly deserve a lot of credit for the way they handled the younger folks with their de­mands for ice cream and soda pop, and we sincerely hoped to have them also as our guests at this party. BOWLING Eleven bowling enthusiasts signed up for the bowling team. Further arrangements will be discussed at a meet­ing to be held at my home very shortly. * * * A tour through the City Furniture Company was planned for Tuesday, Sep­tember 23rd. BUNCO PARTY September -27th was set for the first card and bunco party sponsored by the La­dies’ Auxiliary to be held at Prokop’s Hall, 924 West 119th Street. We would like to have all our members and their friends present. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. Joseph Kish, Trustee of Branch 96, was pleasantly surprised on his 60th birth­day by friends and relatives. His brothers from Detroit and Toledo were also on hand to help him celebrate. Members of Branch 96 ex­tend their hearty congratu­lations. SHOWER A group of Verhovay wo­men surprised Mrs. Kathleen Uhlean at her home, the occasion being a stork shower, and presented her with a bathinette and play pen. Mr. Uhlean was 'more surprised and excited than his wife and couldn’t do enough for the women who were present. AUXILIARY MEMBERS ON THE SICK LIST Mrs. Gizella Csincsak, who underwent an operation Verhovavak Latna________________________.____.________________________Pagg 5 JOIN „ THE VERHOVAY FRATERNAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ★ Whole life, Twenty year payment, 14 En­dowment and y2 Paid-up life, 20 year En­dowment, 30 year Endowment, Endow­ment at 60 or 70. Sick and Maiming Bene­fits. Double indemnity. Juvenile Endow­ment at age 18. !! LOW RATES !! several weeks ago at the St. James Hospital in Chicago Heights, was present at our last meeting and we are glad that she is well on the way to recovery. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. John Simon is ill and wish her a speedy recovery. BLESSED EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Mes­se^ are the proud parents of a baby girl born August 16th. The young lady was named Lenore Ann. She is the Messers second child, the first one a boy, James, six years old. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Uhlean on Sept. 1st. The baby was named Steven, Jr. Mr. Steven is Juvenile Manager of our branch so, no doubt, Steven, Jr., is already a Verhovay member. * * * Before closing, it was nice meeting Mystricky, J. J. Horvath, Mrs. Sonkoly and, of course, Albert Jozik, at the Cleveland Verhovay picnic on August 17th. Hope that we may meet again soon. Fraternally, IRENE BALLA, Secretary. ARTHRITIS Don’t despair of relief from terrible Arthri­­tis aches or pains. The NEW Colloidal Iodized Sulphur capsules called SULPHO-KAPS often bring wel­come relief in Arthritis due to Sulphur de­ficiency. Small daily cost. Mon­ey back if no relief after 30 days* dosage. Begin taking TODAY. Vour Druggist has SULPHO-KAPS GARY MEMBER SERGEANT IN ARMY Advances Rapidly in Nine Months Steve Kume, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kume of Gary, West Virginia, has an outstanding record of ad­vancement during one year of service in the United States Army. Enlisting September 24, 1940, at Fort Thomas, Ken­tucky, the former Gary and Welch high school student now holds the rank of ser­geant. Sergeant Kume was trans­ferred to Fort Knox, Ken­tucky, the first month of his enlistment and assigned to the 69th Armored Regiment (medium tank). During his basic training he became familiar with all types of government vehicles, concentrating on the light and medium tanks. He was instructed in the use of all gun-s, especially the machine gun and light calibre can­non which he fired last fall and made the rating of ex­pert machine gunner. He was assigned to the Armored force school. His aptitude for clerical work earned him a diploma. He returned to * his company and in the capacity of a clerk proved himself so able that he was promoted to corporal April 1, 1941. Soon Kume was selected to assist in the formation of a new armored division at Pine Camp, New York. He was recommended by his company commander for outstanding work as senior clerk in his company and was promoted to the grade of sergeant. Sergeant Kume is well liked by all officers and men in his company. While attending schools at Welch and Gary, young Kume was a member of the bands, playing the trumpet. Kume is a member of Branch 32, Gary, West Vir­ginia.--------------O-------------­There are a dozen differ­ent flours in some brands of cako flour. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of dlstreu smart men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to aet gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest­­acting ^medicines known for meld indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return battle to us and receive DOUBLE Mona/ Baek* tto. ^ItchingfS For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete'« foot, scabies, rashes and other ex­­temally caused skin troubles, use world-famous coolmy, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription Greaseless, stainless. S * ;hc3 irritation and quickly atop« intense itching. 35c trial bottle prove, it. oryour money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPT!«* NEW! "BACTERIOSTATIC" FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women ... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas­ure for women who want to be clean dainty-for women troubled by offend­ing odor or discharge. Some products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham's Sanative Wash Is gaining great favor because it’s NOT a harmful germicide Instead-it’s a mighty effective “bac­teriostatic” (the modem trend). It not only discourage* bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo - domes. Very soothlng-relicves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! All druggist,.

