Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. január-június (24. évfolyam, 1-26. szám)

1941-05-08 / 19. szám

. 1 May 8, 1941 Verhovayak Lapja. Page 5 LADIES’ PACE Conducted by------ BETTY TAROL BALEGA = Appeal, Beauty and Charm By BETTY CAROL BALEGA “There is nothing quite like a mother's love,” and at this time of the year it is up to you to show her that you really do ap­preciate her affection. What type of mother have you? Brighten her day with a gift which is­­meant for her type alone. Make this your rule for Mother’s Day and you’ll prove yourself a wise and thoughtful daughter indeed, or a son, as the case might be. This suggestion comes from Helena Rubinstein, who has been specializing in gifts for women for many years. If she’s an angelic, madonna mother, then its practically her destiny to receive a set of Heaven-Sent, which will give her that head-in-the clouds feeling. The soap, shaped like puffy pink clouds with raised angels on the surface, makes a gift ideal. While the Eau de Toilette in its en­chanting angel bottle is really ethereal. / For the tweeds-and-golfing mother, what could be more per­fect than Rubinstein’s new Apple Red lipstick, her first new lip­stick shade in over a year? It comes in a case that looks as though it were fashioned of five thick gold wedding rings. Apple Red is a pure, clear vibrant red to match the glowing color of her cheeks as she drives in her open car or walks briskly down the fairway. She’ll love it because it’s a healthy color—a young color—a tribute to the eternal GAD A Gadabouts take us down into Washington, D. C. and Virginia this time for the Red Cross Con­vention, and a lovely trip was enjoyed by your editor. The flowering dogwood and lilacs were blooming in Virginia al­ready, and the cherry blossoms in Washington. The Potomac was as blue as ever, though a bit choppy due to a high wind on Sunday. And almost as beauti­ful as the cherry blossoms in Washington were the wistaria at Lee’s mansion. Lovely weaiher ... lovely country. Who could ask for more? Saw some mighty attractive outfits on most of the delegates from over all North and South America. Mrs. August Belmont of New York City wore at the First Plenary Session in Constitution Hall a very cool looking print dress with contrasting navy red­­ingote and slippers and purse. Her hat was one of those tilted­­over-the-right-eye affairs of dusty pink, and the large boutonniere was of the same shade. At the same session Miss Mabel T. Boardman, Secretary of the American National Red Cross from Washington, wore an attractive youth of the American woman! To go with her Apple Red lip­stick, give her a set of Apple Blossoms, the fresh feminine fragrance which has become an all-American favorite. The .best loved Apple Blossom luxuries have been combined in a special Mother’s Day package with an appropriate greeting. If she’s as glamorous as Garbo, and always will be, give her Gala Performance, the strangely lovely perfume created for women who like to make an entrance. Pre­sent her with this rare and pre­cious perfume, and she’ll remem­ber Mother’s Day forever! For the active, career woman mother, Madame Rubinstein sug­gests a dazzlingly beautiful carry­­all vanity to insure her perfect grooming all day long. Turn her head completely this Mother’s Day by giving her a Minute- Make-Up Vanity, the answer to every busy woman’s prayer. This “vanity of vanities” is a minia­ture dressing-table in itself and holds within a two inch square, powder, rouge, cleansing and foundation pads and a generous lipstick. It is complete with a beautiful antique scroll design. “The light in her eyes will never die, Her love like a vesper hymn will play With a haunting lilt through the years, and I Salute the Mother of Today!” BOUTS green print dress with a dork stiff brimmed hat. There were jerkins of every color and description at the busi­ness meeting, and at the Junior Tea Dance in the Hall of the Americas, Pan American Union, there was the nicest array of tea frocks that I have ever seen. Lovely pastel shades, black and white, navy blue and red--oll were well represented. Here re­presentatives of The United States danced with delegates from Puerto Rico and other countries. I saw ... darling little horses about four inches high curved out of wood—hand carved, too— to be used as whatnots in your collection. Beautiful tennis and sun suits ... all shades. I heard . ..the N. B. C. broad­cast of Carmen Cavallero’s Or­chestra from Hotel Carlton ... his is an orchestra well worth check­ing up on ... the ease and show­manship with which he plays the piano is astonishing! I learned ... to do the rhumba quite well. Of course with an orchestra like Cavallero’s to sup­ply the music, I don’t see how anybody could miss! I bought... oodles of little plastic lapel gadgets and a beauti­ful Southern evening gown in Washington ... complete with drop shoulders, and underskirt trim­med with black and white lace and hoops! White taffeta sprinkl­ed with pink and blue forget-me­­nots ... with little black velvet bows at the bodice and also at the hem line. I met... so many nice people from California, South Carolina, Indiana, North Dakota, New York and really just all over that I hope I’ll be able to remember them all. I stayed... at The Willard Hotel... the residence of Presi­dents ... and justly so called. I - sled ... the real Southern hospitality at the home of a friend ... complete with punch bowl, Knabe piano and white pillars in front of the home. I resolve ... not to wait two years between visits South again ... and to buy up all of Carmen Cavallero’s recordings ... especi­ally his rhumbas ... they’re my idea of perfection.--------------o-------------­FIRE MUST BE LICKED “Fireproof America’ s defense effort,” is the current motto of the National Board of Fire Under­writers, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this May. And here are some startling facts con­cerning the toll of fire which were recently cited by W. E. Mal­­lalieu, the National Board’s gen­eral manager. In the last 24 years, fire killed more Americans than died on the battlefields of Europe in World War I. The total value of property de­stroyed by fire during those 24 years would have paKl for two­­thirds of the War Department’s gigantic expenditures during World War I. In those 24 years, fire’s toll was more than $9,500,000,000. That is enough money to have paid for three times as many naval fighting ships as we actually built during that period, which includes all World War I. con­struction. America’s fire waste in homes, factories and elsewhere since 1917 is equal to the cost of 50 super dreadnaughts, a thousand destroy­ers and, on top of that, a thousand gigantic bombing planes. In short, in little more than a generation, fire has utterly destroyed money values sufficient to pay for n large part of the magnificent de­fense establishment we are work­ing frenziedly to build now. Fire is the destroyer par ex­cellence. Fire must be licked If we are to have defense in the least possible length of time and at minimum cost. Remember that in 24 years fire took 240,000 American lives, and destroyed al­most $10,000,000,000 worth of American property. Then resolve to do your part to make sure that won’t happen again. Aunt Mary's Column Well here it is, almost Mother’s Day, and I’m as busy as that one­­armed paper hanger with poison ivy that you’ve heard so much about! Your Aunt Mary is be­ginning to think she needs a secretary, at least around holi­days that are set aside for the old ladies! I’ll soon ret;re into a nice comfortable rocking chair, then the Journals may come and go but your Aunt Mary will rock on unconcernedly, that is, until she gets one whiff of printer’s ink .. I’ve been told there’s more PRAYER OF A FATHER Dear God, my little boy of three x Has said his nightly prayers to Thee; Before his eyes were closed to sleep He asked that Thou his soul would keep. And I, still kneeling by his bed, My hand upon his tousled head, Do ask, with deep humility, That Thou, dear Lord, remember me. Make me, kind Lord, a worthy Dad, That I may lead this little lad In pathways ever fair and bright, That I may keep his steps aright, O God, his trust must never be Destroyed or even marred by me; So, for the simple things he prayed. With childish voice so unafraid, I, trembling, ask the same from Thee; Dear Lord, kind Lord, remember me. of that in my veins than good old blood! But enough of an old woman’s whimsies. Ready for the first recipe? It’s a very good Cocoa Spice Cake. 1 egg Vi cup butter 4 tablespoons cocoa 1 hi cup sugar 1 cup butteimilk 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon cloves 1 Vi cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add well beaten egg and cocoa Cream. Add soda to buttermilk and stir. Add to first mixture Sift dry ingredients and mix thoroughly with first batter. Add vanilla and bake in hot oven. Now that strawberries are in season how would an old fashion­ed shortcake recipe hit the spot? Well, here it is ... 2 cups flour 2 tablespoon sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening % cup milk Sift together dry ingredients, mix in shortening with a fork. Add liquid to make a soft dough. Divide dough into halves, and bake in cake pans After each round has been spread with butter. Oven temperature 400 F. Bake twenty five minutes. Spread crushed berries between and on top of the layers. Top with whip­ped cream and whole berries; If you want to use a lighter cake with your strawberries, why not try an Angel Food? 8 egg whites Vi teaspoon cream of tartar % cup granulated sugar V* teaspoon salt % cup cake flour 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract. Beat egg whites until stiff, cut in cream of tartar, and fold in sugar a teaspoonful at a time. Sift flour at least three times, and fold in lightly. Add flavoring. Bake in ungreased tube pan in moderate oven at 350 degrees F. about fifty minutes. Invert the cake in pan and let stand until cold. Makes one ten inch cake. One more recipe today yet, so I had better make it a good one— How about a good cold Fruit Sherbet for these warm after­noons? Juice of 4 lemons and 2 oranges 314 cups water 1 cup shredded pineapple 2 cups sugar Boil sugar and water and several slices of lemon and orange peel for ten minutes; strain, cool. Add juice of lemons and oranges. Add shredded pinapple; freeze. When almost frozen, add beaten vihite of 1 egg. So-long now, friends, and to all of you mothers, the very best of everything!- a • . -

