Zádor Anna: Neoclassical Pest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

(National Müseüm) the ceiling of the entrance HALL (DETAIL) al Museum. Fortunately, this excellent creation of Mihály Pollack has remained almost completely unchanged, as if the turbulence of history and the far from peaceful social movements had baulked at the presence of this monumental work of art. Not only in Hungary but also all across Europe it was in these decades that the huge museums were built. The construction of the British Museum in London started in 1826, and there were many plans for mu- seums-which were never realized, perhaps never even intended to be-among which we can find the designs of the so-called French revolutionary architects. All this indicates that the various nations wished to make their cultural masterpieces and the important relics of their past accessible to everybody. The Altes Museum in Berlin and the Glyptothek in Munich were also built during this period. 20

