Juhász Gyula - Szántó András: Hotels - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

was managed at a level that not even gourmands of the most refined tastes could find fault with. The hotel’s spe­cial services included seasonal air-boat flights between the embankment outside the hotel and the Siófok shore of Lake Balaton. The Gellért has hosted, in the course of its long and distinguished history, several cultural and political events as well as receiving a host of celebrities who have spent unforgettable days or weeks under its roof. During the renovation work carried out in the sixties, the original furniture was destroyed. A more recent restoration job, undertaken with exemplary respect for considerations of monument protection as well as those of architectural feasibility, was carried out to plans by Márta Arató née Fohl and György Vadász in 1979. While jealously guarding its time-honoured traditions, it is a major aspiration of the hotel to renew itself con­tinually. The Gellért is a worthy representative of the internationally registered special category of Grand Hotel. The Hotel CONTINENTAL and HUNGÁRIA BATHS No. 42-44 Dohány utca, district VII The history of this “other” Hotel Continental began when baths became a major attraction of Budapest. The Gamperl Baths, an establishment visited by the Buda­pest public for the sake of its iron-based medicinal 1960S FURNITURE IN THE GELLERT 39

