Juhász Gyula - Szántó András: Hotels - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

In 1927, the proprietor had the cellars converted into a beer hall, which was named after the fabled fictional figure of János Vitéz (John the Hero). The walls of the hall in the basement, which bore the name Elizabeth Cellar at one point, were decorated with twelve murals by Béla Sándor, each featuring an episode from János Vitéz, Sán­dor Petőfi’s famous epic poem. The beer place became a regular haunt of students attending nearby universi­ties, until it was renovated in 1985. Then the hotel was upgraded to the rank of a four-star establishment and is now mainly patronised by foreign visitors. The DANUBIUS Grand Hotel MARGITSZIGET, formerly the Grand Hotel PALATÍNUS Margitsziget, district XIII The innumerable medicinal springs welling up in the area of Budapest have been known since ancient times. The Hotel Elizabeth 21

