Porhászka László: The Danube Promenade - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1998)

Original title: Duna-korzó Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Bob Dent © László Prohászka, 1998 English translation © 1998 Ákos Farkas Photos by Gábor Barka, reproductions by Gábor Barka and Judit Szalatnyay Archive photographs are from the Budapest History Museum (Kiscelli Múzeum), the Contemporary History Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, the Architectural Museum of the National Inspectorate for the Protection of Public Monuments, the Photographic Archives of MTI and the author's own collection. Manuscript completed March 31 1998 On the cover: the Danube promenade today The inside covers feature the patio of the Café Negresco in the mid-1930s ISSN 1215-8909 ISBN 963 8376 85 6 Published by the Municipality of Budapest, Office of the Mayor Publisher: The Mayor of Budapest Series editor: Gyöngyvér Török Series designer: Vera Köböl Publishing administration by Sík Kiadó Kft. Typeset by Szóköz Bt. Colour resolution by StuArt Repro Printed by Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest - 1998

