Zeidler Miklós: Sporting Spaces - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2000)

tér where the hall of the table-tennis section of the club Statisztika-Metalloglobusz, a facility regularly used for fitness training sessions as well, was built in 1980. The Hungarian CIniversity of Physical Education (No. 44 Alkotás utca, district XII) Established in accordance with Act 1921: LIII, the College of Physical Education had its inaugural term in 1925. This institution took over the task of training P.E. teachers from the National Gymnastics Association, and it now graduates trainers, specialised coaches, and confers degrees in other fields of the science of sports. The college was later promoted to the rank of university and in 1989 assumed its current name-the Hungarian University of Physical Education. As well as educational buildings, there are various sports facili­ties here, the majority of which were built in the 1950s and 1960s. Built in 1965, the sports hall with a swim­ming pool in its basement is an outstanding later addi­tion. The university also maintains a sports centre in Csörsz utca, which contains football and handball pitch­es alongside some tennis courts. Lágymányos The first sports centre of the Budapest University Athletics Club (known by its acronym BEAC in Hungarian) was built on Fehérvári út in 1901. As the field no longer met legal standards during World War 1-which is why it was not used by students for years-it was wholly rebuilt in 1921 to plans by Aladár Mattyók. It was then that this centre became the first sports facility proper in Buda, complete with athletic tracks, a football pitch and ter­races with a seating capacity of 15,000. When Buda­pest won the right to host the College World Champ­ionship of 1935, these university facilities were extended by Sándor Misley. The track and field section was improved, and at the opening ceremony held in August of the same year a new, covered grandstand was also inaugurated. The sports centre was renovated after the siege of Budapest only to be pulled down in the 17

