Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)
Borozó a Bakegérhez Wine-Cellar at the Buck-Mouse VI. Jókai utca-Ó utca corner A wine-cellar that opened one or two years ago. One of my favourites, rival of the O utcai Tabdi. Rózsa utcai Borozó Wine-Cellar of Rózsa utca VI. Rózsa utca 48 A cellar. The bar is in the first room with two small pipe-shaped rooms opening out of it to the right, full of old men. 1 haven’t yet been able to discover whether there is any difference-concealed or otherwise-bet- ween the clients of these two rooms, or whether it’s simply a case of as a tree falls so shall it lie. They share their elevenses wrapped in grease-proof paper, giving each other a bite and joking: “Go on and eat, you prat, have a bite, blockhead.” Helvécia (Pince) Borozó Helvetia Wine-Cellar VI. Eötvös utca 23/B A select pub. Not really intimate as to atmosphere. It is more elegant than the others, but warmth is somehow lost in all the spaciousness. Speaking of warmth, there is a good place to stand beside the radiator. Incidentally the first, the larger room is furnished with long wooden tables and benches, and in the back room they’ve recently set up a pool table. I was once told a story by the man who was then managing place about an old man who wears three pairs of glasses, all at the same time. One to see with, one for reading with, and one specifically for solving crossword puzzles with. He can hardly talk, but the boss understands him. When he says “gimeabany”, he means “give me a brandy”. He makes a habit of clearing the empty glasses off the tables. Customers with ungentlemanlike manners are a rarity here. The boss has proposed a merger of sorts, a division of talents, several times: he'd supply the 22