Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

Zápor utcai Kocsma Zápor utca Fub III. Föld utca 51 A couple of steps lead up to the pub that stands on the corner of Föld utca and Zápor utca (and no street could have a prettier name-Shower Street-anywhere in the city). “Goli” Kisvendéglő “Goli” Restaurant III. Árpád fejedelem útja 125 A restaurant at the Tímár utca stop of the suburban railway, wedged in between sports grounds, where you can eat outside in the garden if you wish. Inside there are two enormous green tile stoves, a poster with palm trees, and live music supplied by Gyula Baló on occa­sions. From the back corner a door opens into the premises of a sport club, furnished with armchairs from the sixties, trophies, and faded photographs of women’s champion teams from the fifties. Here you will also find a gilded hippopotamus the size of a large loaf of bread, weighing at least two kilos whose godmother is Angie, the waitress. The girls late for training drop their fine into the slot on her back. A lot of drawings and graffiti on the walls. Erdei Lak Kisvendéglő Forest Lodge Restaurant III. Szépvölgyi út 48 The Forest Lodge restaurant is to be found on Szépvöl­gyi út, a good bit past the Pink Cadillac, almost level with the Pálvölgyi caves, in a canyon. It is a log-house with a little trestle bridge, that reverberates with each step, across the dry bed of a brook. In the evenings, in the light cast by the lamp-globes hanging from the beams, the premises remind you of Shakespeare's theatre-or would be eminently suitable for such purposes as well. This is a place fit for a princess-princess be damned, the place to bring a queen! I told Peter about it, and when he married Irén, they went to the Forest Lodge. It stood the test. 14

