Szatmári Gizella: Walks in the Castle District - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)

. The memorial statue by the Vienna Gate commemorates the 250th anniversary of the recapturing of the Buda Castle (Béla Ohmann, 1936) er five up to 1686—to seize it from its occupiers. It was the liberation of Vienna in 1683 that gave another impetus to the war in which, after a siege that dragged on for months, the armies of Europe united under the joint command of Archduke Charles of Austria and Prince-Elector Maximilian of Bavaria eventually van­quished the Turks on 2 September 1686. Passing beneath the gate we can observe, on the left, a large memorial slab preserving the memory of the heroes who fell in the battles waged to liberate Buda. The inscrip­tion is in Latin, a language whose universality is meant to pay homage to the multinational composition of the army. The memorial light beneath the plaque is the work of Béla Ohmann, as is the allegorical figure on the right appearing to move towards the inner parts of the Castle District. The outstretched right hand of this pow­erful figure, representing the angel of freedom, holds an Apostolic Double Cross, proclaiming the victory of Christianity (1936). Beneath this is the inscription: 8

