Szatmári Gizella: Walks in the Castle District - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)

This publication was subsidised by the Municipality of Budapest City—Committee for Tourism Original title: Budavári séták Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Bob Dent Photos by Gábor Barka, cover and pages 6, 47, 48 (above) and 49 by Ágnes Bakos and Bence Tihanyi, pages 45 and 48 (below) by Judit Fáryné Szalatnyai. Archive photos are from the collections of the Budapest History Museum and the National Széchényi Library and the Semmelweis Museum of Medical History On the cover: King Matthias’ Well On the title page: Stove tile from the Buda Castle (from the last quarter of the 15th century) © Gizella Szatmári, 2001 English translation © Ákos Farkas, 2001 ISSN 1215-8909 ISBN 963 9170 35 6 Published by the Municipality of Budapest, Office of the Mayor Publisher: János Schiffer Deputy Mayor of Budapest Series editor: Gyöngyvér Török Series designer: Vera Köböl Publishing administration by Sik Kiadó Kft. Colour resolution by StuArt Repro Printed by print works of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Budapest, 2001

