Szatmári Gizella: Walks in the Castle District - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)

can be found at No. 49. It was established in 1991 to display the material remains and written documents of the history of the country’s telecommunications. The suspects of Martinovics’s republican conspira­cy, including Ferenc Kazinczy, were held in the former Franciscan monastery at No. 53 Úri utca. The Ministry of the Interior occupied the building in 1867. Today the complex houses various institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In front of the side facade of No. 53 there stands a well-figure, modelled by its anonymous maker on Praxiteles’s Artemis (now in the Louvre). It was moved here from the former Iskola, today Hess András, tér. (The statue is sometimes referred to as that of Hebe.) Artemis was brought to Hess András tér in 1923, but when the statue of Pope Innocent XI was erected, the well-figure was taken to the courtyard of a secondary school. It was installed in its present place in 1967. The building at No. 64-66, which stood on the spot of two houses destroyed in 1686, was rebuilt in the early 18th century for the Vienna Benedictine abbey named after Our Lady of Scotland. CJp to 1924 the property was owned by Mayor István Bárczy, then in 1938 it was converted to house the German Embassy. We can now return, via Petermann bíró utca, to Bécsi kapu tér and the start of the walk. Walk Three SZENTHÁROMSÁG TÉR From Bécsi kapu tér we can reach Szentháromság tér by way of Táncsics Mihály utca. The southern facade of the Hilton Hotel overlooks the Church of Our Lady, commonly known as the Matthias Church. Built as a three-nave basilica, the original structure was raised between 1255 and 1269 and was later used by the German burghers as their parish church. Its prestige is suggested by the fact that the church was selected for the coronation of Charles Robert. An outstanding relic of the Gothic style in Hungary, the Mary Portal was made in 1370, during the reign of King Louis the Great. Experts see the realism of the ornaments and the 32

