Csernus Lukács - Triff Zsigmond: The Cemeteries of Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

!□□□ BUDZÍÜ ]□□□ acagjßf1 ^□§030000 ^ isdöL^ $hu&&nn2y 0Q10É! 00000Í000 □□□00 000000C7' J0000 ^00L__ 38o0b 00D0Q0 00^00 00000^ @0000 0ÜP Map of the Rákoskeresztúr Public Cemetery 1 Main entrance 2 Information, offices 3 Funeral parlour of rest 4 Memorial of soldiers having lost their lives in World War 1 5 Graves of soldiers killed in the 1848-49 War of Independence 6 Victims of the 1950s 7 Monument commemorating the martyrs of '56 8 Military graves of Turkish soldiers and Muslim cemetery 9 Military cemetery of German soldiers 10 Crematorium 11 Military cemetery of Polish soldiers 12 Military cemetery of Italian soldiers 13 Section for ashes to be scattered

