Buza Péter: Bridges of the Danube - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

St. John of Nepomok was removed when “the promenade on the water” was finally dismantled Later the Pest landing was transferred to Türr István utca. Only ten years after the liberation of Buda it was certainly in use. Möller, a carpenter of Vienna, presented his original idea to the public in 1676. The innovative technology of applying a shifting center of gravity in its design allowed the boat to make use, with some help, of the current. With lit­tle assistance, the “flying bridge” was able to trav­el from one side to the other like a gigantic pendu­lum. A rope between the two banks fixed to boats anchored in the stream of the river slid in a gate- like structure raised above the catamaran body. A rudder provided auxiliary force to keep the boat moving. The “flying bridge” was last used in 1790, when a pontoon bridge was also functioning once again. In that year-for the first time after an interval of 260 years-the Feudal Diet reassembled. The watercraft 10

