Prakfalvi Endre: Architecture of Dictatorship. The Architecture of Budapest between 1945 and 1959 - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

Original title: Szocreál Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Bob Dent Text © Endre Prakfalvi, 1999 Photos © Gábor Barka, 1999 English translation © 1999 Ákos Farkas Photos and reproductions by Gábor Barka Archive photos are from the collection of the OMvH Museum of Hungarian Architecture; the picture on page 26 is from the photo archives of EIVATERV. On the cover: Ferenc Medgyessy’s glazed terracotta mural with the caption “All power belongs to the working people" (1953) inside the Csepel police office Inside covers: Pál Németh-Gyula Tálos: Design of the Bureau of Planning for the Forge and Machine Industry (excerpt), 1951 Title page: Entrance to building “R” of BME (Budapest University of Technology) ISSN 1215-8909 ISBN 963 8376 95 3 Published by the Municipality of Budapest, Office of the Mayor Publisher: The Mayor of Budapest Series editor: Gyöngyvér Török Series designer: Vera Köböl Publishing administration by Sík Kiadó Kft. Typeset by Szóköz Bt. Colour resolution by StuArt Repro Printed by Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest - 1999

