Boros Géza: Statue Park - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2002)

The endless promenade of the liberation monuments

■ Monument ob Hungarian-Soviet Friendih ip by Barna Búza. 1975 8. Monument of Hungarian-Soviet Friendship (Barna Búza, 1975) Our freedom and peace i& baied on perpetual Hungarian-Soviet friend- dhip, proclaims the weather-beaten inscription. The monument, which was raised in the Hungarian—Soviet Friendship Park in Kőbánya-Óhegy, was created, under the spiritual guidance of Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl and the Soviet sculptor Vuchetich, by Barna Búza in cooperation with architect István Zilahy. According to one contemporary interpretation: "carved with clear, captivating outlines into the noble material of pyrogranite, the two female figures are unambiguous emblems of freedom and creative peace, and the companionship that guaran­24

