Szablyár Péter: Sky-high - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2007)
Office Blocks and Public Buildings
■ The Social Security Headquarters on Fiumei út today A Little America - the Social Security Headquarters on Fiumei út No. 19/a Fiumei üt, District VIII Its construction to plans by Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab begun before World War I opposite the National Pantheon (in Kerepesi Cemetery), the headquarters of the Budapest District Workers' insurance Funds were completed in 1913. With the country recovering from its traumas after the war, the Republic of Councils and the tragedy of Trianon, the enlargement of the social-security system resulted in a quantum leap of the number of insured. The National Social Security Institution ( 0T1), established at the time, was moved into the former headquarters of the Workers' Insurance Office and the enlargement of the building was immediately undertaken. The new wing and the 16-storey, battlemented high-rise between the two edifices were built to plans by Marcell Komor, Dezső Jakab, Aladár Sós, and János Komor in 1929. The reinforced-concrete structure was designed by Dr. Hugó Székely. 23