Horváth M. Ferenc: Vác, Magyarország kincsestára (Vác, 2016)

Neither the castle, nor the narrow medieval main square were adequate for creating a new baroque style religious center, or for building a new dome. Present-day Konstantin square was a swampy area of the city in the early 18th century, with small sin­gle-story houses along its edge. Prior to construction of the dome, the swamps were drained and houses taken down. The Bishops of Vác - Károly Eszterházy and Kristóf Migazzi - have created a new religious center on this site, they built the new dome, the other church buildings, the Bishop's Palace, the Seminary, the Palace of the Provost, the Chapter House - which now houses the Archives of the Diocese and the Chapter - and the parish of lowertown. The square is further surrounded by the Piarist high school and convent, the Karolina Catholic School, the Library of the Diocese and the Béla Bartók Music School. The statue of Saint István was ordained in front of the fencing of the Bishop's garden in 1939. A Soviet memorial used to stand in the middle of the square be­tween 1945-1989, a place for government holidays, representing opposition to religious ideology. The square received new orna­mental paneling a decade ago, carrying the name of Konstantin Schuster (1817-1899). Statues of Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary are framing the square on both sides. The Vác battle on July 15-17,1849 was immortalized on a painting by Mór Than. The square hosted several meetings during the 1956 revolution. r m 1 i Q ‘L —1 s I; • 1-Íj! Jl 1* M . ' II

