The Hungarian Student, 1957 (1. évfolyam, 2-8. szám)

1957 / 2. szám

INFORMATION FOR YOU Tanuljunk Könnyen Gyorsan An­golul is now available. It is an Eng­lish-language book in Hungarian, containing a basic vocabulary of 1,200 words, a grammar section and simple explanations. The price of the 1957 edition is $2.50, and you can order one by sending a letter or tele­gram to our Cambridge address. * * * Handbook for Hungarians is avail­able free. It is a 200-page pocket­­sized phrasebook, guide and diction­ary in Hungarian, English and pho­netics written for Hungarian refu­gees in the United States. If you would like a copy, write to our Cam­bridge office. * * * Magyar Hírlap, a weekly Hun­garian newspaper, is also available free of charge. The paper is written by Hungarians primarily for new Hungarian refugees and contains na­tional and international news, news of events in Hungary and articles discussing the problems of Hungar­ians in the United States and an­swering questions asked by its read­ers about American customs and such things as the post office, army service, working conditions, etc. If you would like a subscription, write to our Cambridge office. * * * You can obtain the addresses of your refugee student friends by writing to our Cambridge address. We have a complete and accurate list of names and addresses of Hungarian students in the United States. * * * Our Cambridge office will gladly give you information about Hungar­ian books and newspapers, Hungar­ian newspapers printed in the free world and Hungarian organizations in exile. * * * Ask us for pictures, articles and reports in English on Hungarian af­fairs, by writing to our Cambridge office. Don’t forget that one of our most important obligations is to keep the American public interested and informed. * * * Information about Hungarian ref­ugee students in Canada can be ob­2 tained by writing N.C.C.U., 1162 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, P.Q., Can­ada. * * * If you want information on schol­arships and placement in schools write our central office in Cambridge. We will forward your requests to the proper authorities. * * * For any information on American colleges and universities, write our Cambridge office. * * * Please send us your suggestions and opinions on our newsletter and AHSA activities; they will be great­ly appreciated. The address of the central office of our organizational committee is: American Hungarian Student Association P. 0. Box 78 Cambridge 38, Massachusetts An Echo from the Past, and a Crying Voice in the Wilderness of the Present We can never over-value the lesson taught us by Hungary on the essen­tial oneness of humanity, the unity of interests, and the consequent atrocity and madness of all wars waged for glory, for conquest, or the base phantom misnamed national honor. It has been the fashion of our Fourth-of-July orators for genera­tions to boast of ours as the only land in which true liberty is under­stood and appreciated—in which the golden road between anarchy and despotism has been attained—in which men could be governed with­out ceasing to be free. But sudden­ly a voice from the far Pannónia of Roman history breaks upon our ears, a voice which we must recognize as coming from the great heart of humanity. With the elo­quence of Demosthenes and the sub­lime fervor of Isaiah, this voice ut­ters burning words which call many men of many creeds and races to the battlefield in which the rights of all are to be asserted and the usurpa­tions of the crafty few, however en­trenched and hoary, are to be over­borne and stricken down. At first we pause to wonder how the dwellers by the far Danube had learned those great truths voiced by Jefferson and--------------------------------------------- ----­others during the creation IE our own Republic; but, pausing, we dis­cover that the Hungarians have not merely imitated our fathers in their immortal declaration, but their words and ideas are living and practical verities to the Hungarian people. Our fathers declared all men right­fully born free and equal; Hungary grappled boldly with serfdom and abolished it ; they declared all men by nature entitled to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;” in Hun­gary, the Free Revolutionary Gov­ernment apportioned lands without charge to the emancipated serfs to insure them the means of supporting life, enjoying liberty, and pursuing happiness in the homes of their child­hood. Who can rationally deny, there­fore, that the great principle of equal rights was at least as well under­stood and faithfully regarded in Hun­gary in 1848, as it was in America in 1776? ... And how could the sin­cere lovers of human rights among us refuse to accord to the people of Kos­suth a welcome as hearty and as im­posing as that paid, a century earlier, to the good Lafayette? Kossuth is here to arouse us to a consciousness of the majesty of our national position and the responsibil­ities it involves; to show us that we cannot safely sleep while despots are forging chains for the yet unfetter­ed nations, as well as to bind more securely their present victims; that we must assume an attitude of resis­tance to the expanding dominion of the autocrat if only to secure our own. That “God hath made of one blood all the nations that dwell on the face of the earth;” that we have no right to turn our backs on tyran­ny’s victims with the callous ques­tion, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”; that the free nations of the earth cannot afford, even were they base enough to wish to do so, to leave each other to be assailed in succession by the banded might of despotism, and so overwhelmed and crushed—these are solemn truths which Kossuth is among us to proclaim and enforce with the earnestness of a martyr’s conviction and an exiled patriot’s zeal. The Reverend John L.E. De Papp, Protestant Chaplain to the Hungar­ian students of Bard College, 1956/57 Hungarian Student New Her

