The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1984 (11. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1984-01-01 / 1. szám

the texts of the programs transmitted in Hungarian in order to publish parts of them in English. Seldom passes a month without an article about Hun­gary in the American press. What I mean under American press are 1. >t short items in local papers, but I mean broad coverages of the life and economic situation in Hungary published in leading American magazines. These articles, almost without exception, express favorable opinions about Hungary today. Hungary made very significant progress on many fields and gained respect in the countries with a free enterprise system as well as in countries of controlled economy. I will inform the leaders of these articles, but I will need your cooperation in searching for news about Hungary in the great number of American publications. The third part of the project is exploring the opinion of the readers. All the projects described above will be a flow of information from the magazine to the readers, in­cluding of information which will come from the cooper­­alors. There should be another stream of information flowing from the readers to the magazine. It would be difficult to imagine contemporary American life without opinion polls. To improve the magazine we need your opinion. The magazine needs feedback from the readers. Without feedback neither this column nor the magazine can be improved. Neither can grow. As a part of this column the readers frequently will be questioned to establish the pro­file of our readers, to know what the readers would like published, and how the magazine could be impioved. If any of you already have formed an opinion, have ideas, practical suggestions which could help to enrich this unique magazine, please do not wait for the survey, write to me anytime. The HLL is an ambitious project indeed. It will need a certain period of time to achieve its full potential. How long will it take will depend on the response of those whose cooperation is vital to its success. In fact the time is a secondary factor, the main issue is that we have this column, this new project: the Hungarian Life-Line. HALLOTT-E MAR A MAGYAR NAPLÓRÓL? Szeretné megismerni? Kérjen mutatványszámot! Meglátja, sok érdekességgel fog találkozni a lap hasábjain. Orvosi tanácsok, versek, receptek, hazai érdekességek, stb. teszik színessé lapunkat. Címünk: MAGYAR NAPLÓ; P.O. Box 771, Station “A”, Toronto, Ontario, Canada HA FLORIDÁBA JÖN KERESSE FEL A MAGYAR SZALODAT ahol szép motel-szobák, szobák konyhával, és apartmentek állnak rendelkezésükre, napi, heti és havi árakkal, közel a tengerhez, mindenhez közel, a város központjában. In­formációért és szobafoglalásért írjon: WESTCHESTER MAGYAR MOTEL P. 0. Box 822 Daytona Beach, Florida 32015 Telephone 904-767-1418 CHICAGO ÉS KÖRNYÉKE MAGYAR HETI LAP — Hungarian Newspaper Üzleti iroda: 4125 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 60618 Tel: 312—478-0850 Szerkesztőség: 2923-C W. Argyle St., Chicago, 111. 60625 Tel: 312-989-8242 Szerkesztő: Fekete István — Üzletvezető: Koós László LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dear Mr. Chomos; It took a long time for me to achieve my goal, to save enough to match Mr. Robert A. Frank’s donation of $100.00 toward the future of this magazine. I would like to shake his hand and tell him, that it is not the name that makes someone a Magyer, but the flame that burns in someone’s heart. If we could have 1,000 more persons like him from the Hungarian Americans the future of this magazine would be much brighter. I would like to challenge them to follow Mr. Frank’s example like I did. Living in the Pacific Northwest, the snow-covered Hills with evergreen forests and streams with clear water reminds me for our lost ancestral home: Trans­ylvania. Digging ditches, moving rocks, controlling the 'ver-encroaching forest is a work that ordinarily done tor me by a hired hand, with young muscles and joints. This fall I have done this all by myself, and nights I fell asleep tired to my bones, but with the wonderful feeling that I was paying an installment on an old debt. After my father was expelled from Kolozsvár by the Romanians following the Trianon Peace Treaty (WWI); during the hard years that followed Scholarships from our government helped me to attain my education. Dur­ing WWII I felt a priviledge to risk my life for Hungary. Surviving -- when many of my countrymen died -- made me feel, that my life has a purpose: gratitude to my na­tion and her people, to my deceased parents and teach­ers, and to my wife and our numerous friends in many countries. Is there anything more noble than working for the as­surance that freedom and justice should prevail and our proud national heritage remain preserved for the benefit of Hungarian American generations following us. And through this rich heritage our generous host country will benefit also. Thanks for including the Transylvanian Quarterly in the magazine. Sincerely, Kolozsvári TERJESSZE ANGOL MŰFORDÍTÁSBAN IS A MAGYAR SZELLEMISÉGET Bármely 2 kötet ára $15.00 1. ADY, E.: POEMS, 491 oldal, 16 kép, keménykötésben 2. ARANY, J.: EPIC POEMS, 224 oldal, 13 kép 3. JÓZSEF, A.: WORKS, 224 oldal 30 kép 4. KOMLÓS, J.: KOSSUTH IN AMERICA, 198 oldal, 5. PETŐFI, S.: WORKS, 423 oldal, 40 kép . 6. VARGA, D.: HUNGARY IN GREATNESS AND DECLINE, 160 oldal, 237 kép, keménykötésben HUNGARIAN CULTURAL FOUNDATION P. O. Box 364 — Stone Mountain, Georgia 30086 Stolen ^tinting P. O. Box 132. LIGONIER. PA 15658 Phone: 412-238-9244 Page 4 The Eighth Tribe

