The Eighth Tribe, 1974 (1. évfolyam, 1-7. szám)

1974-04-05 / 1-2. szám

April 5, 1974 THE EIGHTH TRIBE Page 5 To all the American Hungarians: We would like to call your attention to the future of the Bethlen Press in Ligonier, Pa. After seven years the Bethlen Press and the Bethlen Home will go on separate roads. It was realized, that as a non-profit organi­zation the Press cannot survive. The Bethlen Press is to be reorganized as a Commercial Printing Corporation by the workers. Since it has to leave its present location and the premises of the Bethlen Home, it has found a place in the Borough of Ligonier. It was stated, that there is no need of one more Hungarian Printing Plant. It is grant­ed that is so, but the statues of the Bethlen Press is different. From the beginning its aim was to further the Hungarian culture, to acquaint today’s generation with all the richness of their forefathers’ history in their language. To those who were born in this land, speaking or not the Hungarian language, Reformed, Lutheran, Catholic or any other faith, even if only a trace of Hungarian origin in them, to these this Magazine is dedicated. There are many social activities pursued by today’s generation to further or keep up some of the Hungarian customs in their own respective areas. We would like to bring all these to our readers, so they know what is happening in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, De­troit, Chicago, New York, Florida and Cali­fornia or where ever it may he. Send us pictures and description of your groups. There are many of the second and third generation, who have achieved distin­guished fame in their fields. We would like to bring this to the attention of our readers, so all of us can be proud of their achieve­ments. We would like to emphasize, that this magazine is not to replace the religious magazines, they have their purpose and this magazine has its own. We urge the mem­bers of all church bodies to support their church papers. We ask you to subscribe to this magazine. The magazine will be published twice monthly and the subscription price is SB.00 per year. This is a magazine that can be read by our elderly and at the same time interest our second and third generations. More subscribers, the bigger our magazine will be. We shall present the rich history of our forefathers. We shall have interesting stories for all to enjoy. We encourage any of our literary-inclined friends to submit their works to be published in either lan­guage. Sándor E. Chomos ♦— The EIGHTH TRIBE P. 0. Box 637 — Ligonier, Penna. 15658 Please enter my subscription for The EIGHTH TRIBE for one year at $8.00 per year. Megrendelem a NYOLCADIK TÖRZS lapot évi előfizetés $8.00 Subscription enclosed—Előfizetés mellékelve $....................... Name........................................................................................................ Street........................................................................................................ City .......... ____ State Zip

