The Bethlen Home Messenger, 2002 (1-4. szám)
2002-01-01 / 1. szám
Hctüntp J|tgí)Itgí)tö SANTA CLAUS COMES TO TOWN! Our Activity Department recently sponsored Lunch With Santa for our employee's children and grandchildren. Although there was a small turnout of children, the look upon their faces when they saw Santa arrive was worth a million words. After the children visited with Santa and had lunch, they enjoyed a Magic Show. A fun afternoon was enjoyed by all. Shown are several photos from the event. Above: Santa greets Mykaela...what a cutie! I bet Santa beings everything on her Wish List! Below: Activity Staff member Camae Talarico assists Santa as "Mrs. Claus" for the day. Volunteer Mario Battaglia is pictured with Santa's Helpers, The Elfettes, Activity Staff members Cindy Carr and Sandy Pavlik. Staff member Kathy Nicholson and grandson Tyler greet Santa. Resident Erzsébet Zilahy enjoys a hug from Santa.