The Bethlen Home Messenger, 1991-1992 (1-4. szám)

1992-09-01 / 4. szám

JVcthritjj JMtgijltgljtgí DID YOU KNOW??? SEPTEMBER is known for being: National Courtesy Month National Honey Month National Cholesterol Education and Awareness Month National All American Breakfast Month Labor Day National Grandparents Day is the 13th Laundry Workers’ Week is the 13th to the 19th Food Service Workers’ Week is the 20th to the 26th Ice Cream Cone’s Birthday is the 22nd National Checker Day is the 23rd National Pancake Day is the 26th National Hunting and Fishing Day is the 26th OCTOBER is known for being: National Pizza Month National Popcorn Month National Seafood Month National Beer Week is the 4th to the 10th National Dessert Day is the 14th Grouch Day is the 15th Bosses’ Day is the 16th The Sweetest Day is the 17th United Nations Day is the 24th The Sourest Day is the 25th Happy Halloween is the 31st NOVEMBER is known for being: National Sandwich Day is the 3rd Bethlen Home’s Annual Bazaar is the 7th & 8th Veterans Day is the 11th Thanksgiving is the 26th flZZA Hlk SPECIAL UPCOMING EVENTS Look for these special events/activities in September. A cookout will be held in honor of Labor Day and the closing of summer picnics on Friday the 4th. St. Michael’s of the Valley Women’s Group will be sponsoring a special party on the 17th; entertainment and refreshments will be provided. National Beer Day is the 5th — Guess what special treat we will be serving? A special treat of popcorn in different flavors will be distributed on the 9th. October is National Pizza Month. What better way to celebrate than with a pizza party and movie held on Columbus Day, the 12th. Fancy Dessert Day will be held on the 14th. Residents will be able to sample some special desserts at the “Sweet Social”. The Wardrobe Clothing Wagon will be here on the 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They will be carrying specialized and regular clothing. Dress-up week for Halloween will be held the week of the 25th. Details will be posted for the Halloween Contest. Residents’ Halloween Party will be held on Friday the 30th, with special entertainment by Judy Price. NOVEMBER BETHLEN HOME’S ANNUAL BAZAAR WILL BE ON THE 7th and 8th. Surprise outing is scheduled for the 13th. See Sherry to sign up. Decorating for Christmas will start on the 27th, the day after Thanksgiving. NOTE: Schedule is apt to change. Details and high­lights of special programs will be announced and posted for residents at the bulletin boards located by each Nursing Station. One of the most scenic states in this country is Penn­sylvania, due to all the mountains and trees. We here at Bethlen Homefeel we’re special, due to the beauti­ful scenery we have all year long of the Ligonier Valley. One of the most favored seasons is Winter, especially when there’s an ice storm and snow on the trees. It truly is breathtaking. Below is a special poem to remind us of this special season. MOUNTAINTOPS by Ruth H. Underhill National Ice Cream Cone Day is the 22nd. What better way to celebrate than passing out a treat of ice cream. National Checkers Day is the 23rd. Staff and residents are encouraged to dress up in checkered prints. De­tails to be posted by time clock. September Birthday Celebration will be held on the 24th at 2:00 p.m. National Breakfast Month is also during September. An outing for your favorite breakfast will be held on the 25th. Details to be posted closer to that time. OCTOBER Fall outing to see the leaves will be held on the 2nd. Towering giants high above Peering to earth below, Rugged purple mountaintops Capped with shimmering snow. Strong and stately mountains Standing firmly in their place Staunchly show their majesty On a proud and regal face. Reaching, reaching ever upward Into the heavens on high Creating a new and lofty world Touched by the azure sky.

