The Bethlen Home Messenger, 1991-1992 (1-4. szám)

1992-06-01 / 3. szám

JVbmtôôtons The Bethlen Home staff wishes to extend a warm welcome to the following new residents and their families: RUTH BODELL MARIE VARRATÓ HAZEL SHAFFER EMMA BLACK MARY KONDRICH CHARLES PRITTS MARGARET HOFFMAN WILLIAM DICE No matter where you are, you can always make a friend. I'm sure many of you have made many overthe years. The following poem may bring certain people to mind on Friendship Day. FRIENDS by Erma Stull Grove Friends are keys to unlock the heart, To find the joys love can impart, To discover the treasures rare, To discern what it means to share. Some keys are worn, like burnished gold . . . These are old friends who’ve passed time’s test; They will accept you, weak or strong, But they demand of you your best. They lift you up when spirits sage, Share the laughter, comfort the tears; They understand the inmost thoughts, Give faith for doubts, courage for fears. Some keys are shining like silver. .. These are new friends you're getting to know, And you’ll walk along together As you weather life’s ebb and flow; Some days will be bright with rapture, Others dark with impending storm, But friendship welcomes each new day As cares grow light and hearts grow warm. It takes both kinds of keys in life. Both kinds of friends, both tried and true, One kindles memories of the past, One holds the torch to blaze trails new. Both lead one onward and upward With a smile, a touch or a prayer, With patience and understanding, With concern that is loving care. So “make new friends, but keep the old, One is silver, the other gold”... Through every day each plays a part, Each a key to unlock the heart. octal Scrtncc Corner by Pat Armel A SMILE GOES A LONG WAY June is National Smile Month! Rainee Maria Rilke quotes, “Her smile was not meant to be seen by anyone and served its whole purpose in being smiled.” What’s in a smile! Anatomically, a smile is the com­bined action of two muscles, from the cheekbones to the lips and around the eyes. Usually, a smile is the result of happy feelings but, according to recent re­search, smiling itself can make you feel good. Just the action of smiling can produce the physiological processes that generate the sensation of happiness, according to independent studies. If you’re unhappy or angry, smiling won't alter your mood entirely, but subjects in a neutral state felt happier when they smiled. Smiling gives one an emotional lift even if it’s only temporary. Nothing transforms our presence like a smile. It radi­ates warmth, invites affection and doesn't cost a cent. It’s the best beauty boost there is! When someone smiles at you, it’s almost impossible not to recipro­cate. Not only is the action itself reciprocated, but th'e good feeling is transmitted as well. REMEMBER, SMILING IS CONTAGIOUS!!!!! So, let’s see those pearly whites! SAFETY RESTRAINT FORMS You may have received a notice from the Home on SAFETY RESTRAINTS. Please READ, SIGN and MAIL it back to the Bethlen Home. This notice is being sent to all responsible parties. Even though it may not apply to your loved one at this time, it may be necessary for the future. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, you may contact Pat Armel, Social Service Director, Monday through Friday from 8a.m. to 4 p.m. day! Administrator.......................................... Rev. Paul Kovács Director of Nursing . ......................... Jane Eicher, RN-BS Dietician ............. Mrs. Edith Kovács Activity Department ............ i. Sherry A. Humbertson Medical Records ....................................... Michele Alesi Bookkeeper ................................. Administrator’s Secretary .. Chaplain Social Service ................................... __ Judy Minnick .. Diane M. Hakel Rev. Joseph Posta ... Pat Armel Physical Therapy ....................................Jody West, LPT

