The Bethlen Home Messenger, 1990 (1-3. szám)
1990-03-01 / 1. szám
âctitttp Highlights 1990 KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS Each year the Bethlen Home holds its annual King and Queen of Hearts contest for the Valentines Day Party. This year's Queen was Olga Szabo and the King was Eugene Warden. Both enjoyed reigning over the festivities. Special entertainment was provided by Laurie and Shirley who performed country western music. This was also sponsored by Keystone X-Ray Labs. Refreshments were also provided. The other nominees for Queen were: Evelyn Griffith and Carrie Cass. The other King nominees were: Jonathon Hinkle and Victor Pacifico. Each resident was presented with a special gift. Pictured are The King and Queen of Hearts CHINESE NEW YEAR Residents recently celebrated Chinese New Year with a special luncheon of selected foods. The luncheon was held in the solarium where the atmosphere of China was created. Everyone enjoyed seeing "Frazier" our famous volunteer dog who was dressed in a karate outfit. A demonstration was given on chopsticks by volunteer Elizabeth Nordstrom. The residents seemed to enjoy trying this but forks seemed to outrank the chopsticks. A fun afternoon was had by all. Pictured are several residents in costume Pictured above are residents performing their weekly exercise routines. The exercises are designed to help stretch their muscles while sitting in their wheelchairs. The residents are also able to view the exercise video tapes on our large screen television. Being able to see the routine seems to help the residents. MARCH 15TH A DAY TO REMEMBER ... On March 15th thousands of Hungarian Americans will recall the 142nd anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. They will recall the memory of two famous men. The first will be Sándor Petőfi who will be remembered for his famous writings about the Revolution. He died in battle in 1949 near Segesvár. The most important man that made the impact was Louis Kossuth. He was a leader of the revolt whose beliefs embraced the spirit of America and our forefathers. Kossuth gave a very strong impact to the United States when he visited in 1851 through 1852. A statue can be found of him at Cleveland's University Circle. This statue became a gift to the city in 1902 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his visit to Cleveland. The importance attached to this statue continues today. Thousands of Hungarian Americans gather around on March 15th to rededicate themselves to the democratic principles of Louis Kossuth. This same spirit holds true to America’s Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. In honor of this special day, the Bethlen Home will be holding a special program conducted by Rev. Zoltán Kovács for the residents of Bethlen Home. A service and singing are planned. SUNSHINE BROTHERS CLOTHING WAGON VISITS BETHLEN HOME Sunshine Brothers Clothing Wagon will be visiting the Bethlen Home on Friday, April 6th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A wide variety of Spring and Summer clothing will be available for purchase as well as specialized clothing designed for the nursing home resident. Family and friends are encouraged to attend to help make purchases for their loved one. If you are unable to attend and would like clothing purchased for your loved one, please contact Sherry. Pictured are resident Papa Son, Eugene Warden with wife, Julia.