Fraternity-Testvériség, 2010 (88. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
2010-01-01 / 1. szám
2 Spring 2010 Fraternity I Testvériség Table of Contents Board of Directors László Hamos, Chairman George Dózsa, Vice-Chair John K. Morey, Vice-Chair András Demeter Joseph Fabri Rev. Leslie E. Martin Rev. Louis Medgyesi Rev. Ferenc Varga Editorial Committee Leslie L. Megyeri Editor-in-Chief Kossuth Ház Social Club National Fraternal Coordinator Office of Publication 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-1011 Tel: (202) 328-2630 1-888-KOSSUTH (567-7884) Fax: (202) 328-7984 Petra Fehérvári Assistant Editor Kathy Megyeri Proofreader National Officer Leslie L. Megyeri President Consultant Website Periodicals Postage Paid Washington, DC and additional offices Postmaster send changes to Fraternity-Testvériség 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-1011 Dr. Katalin S. Korossy Medical Advisor HRFA Home Office ISSN-0744-592X Official Publication of The Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, Published Quarterly Secretary to the President National Officer Treasury Department Mail and Email from Readers We welcome mail from our readers. Letters should be sent with writer’s name and address to: Fraternity—Testvériség 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-1011 or email at: Claims and Underwriting Right to Edit Any correspondence printed may be edited for clarity and length. Please Design note we do not return photographs. Lidia Anna Vigyázó 3 Easter Message Easter Greetings from the Calvin Synod— United Church of Christ and the American Hungarian Reformed Church Az Amerikai Magyar Református Egyház Húsvéti Köszöntése 5 The Hungarian Open Air Museum Skanzen Hungary’s Rural Heritage 7 Hungarian Chef’s Corner Veal Pété with Dried Fruits 8 Külföldi Magyar Cserkészszövetség Clevelandi Vezetőképző hétvége 9 Branch News 13 Hungarian Sisters Impact Our Lives in America If you are a mother and have ever dressed your daughter in a matching outfit, you can thank Mariska Karasz 17 Unclaimed 18 New Members 20 Student Aid Recipients 22 Obituaries 24 in Memoriam 25 The 2009 Legacies of Kossuth’s U.S. Visit: Five villages, two Kossuth townships and one Kossuth county KOSSUTH Settled ln 1840 a, New Hop.. NTonoÍHun^íun°pamp. Louis Kr00rnrroTBTUe°fMCottMófg.M? A sKirmlsh occurred nerc 27 Miklós Zrínyi: Siege of Sziget For the first time in its history, the entire Siege of Sziget, Zrinyi’s landmark work, is translated into english