Fraternity-Testvériség, 2006 (84. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
2006-01-01 / 1. szám
Page 3 Fraternity- Testvériség The President's Corner At the March 2006 Spring Board meeting, HRFA elected a new Chairman, Jim Szuch, and two Vice-Chairs, Priscilla Hunyady and John Morey. Many thanks to George Dózsa for his many years of service as Chairman and/or President and also to Rev. Martin. Spring is upon us, and we have turned over a new leaf and commenced change at HRFA. Over the past month, we have held the district meetings for Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and California region, for Ohio, and for Pennsylvania. The eastern seaboard meeting is to be scheduled in the near future. 1 was able to meet many of our fine branch managers, agents and potential new members. The meetings were extremely successful thanks to the efforts of Directors Joe Kovács, Joe Fabri, Bill Nicholas, John Morey, and Jim Szuch, to Ed Szabó, and support by Rev. Skerl, Rev. Varga, Rev. Komjáthy and Rev. Jalso. The meetings were notable for the unsolicited comments by the participants about how friendly and open the gatherings were and about all of the helpful and constructive comments we received. The process of change that I have begun starts with improved communication among everyone at HRFA and having a positive outlook. It means listening to what our members have to say, understanding their needs, and developing appropriate solutions to meet their expectations. It means cooperation among the management team and support by our Directors for needed changes. HRFA is your organization. It is owned by you, the members. Please be proactive and participate. Give us feedback on what we can do better. Provide us with referrals for new members so that we can grow and give us leads for new agents. HRFA is a unique non-profit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress that uses its funds to support charitable works for Americans and Hungarians; as well as insuring that the Hungarian heritage, culture, and events will continue to be maintained in the U.S. If you support me in this effort to change, then HRFA will be able to continue this mission which its founders sacrificed so much for. On March 15, 2006, one of the most significant Hungarian- American events took place in the United States Capitol. President Bush and the entire leadership of Congress (Speaker of the House Hastert, Senate Majority Leader Frist, House Minority Leader Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Reid) honored Hungarian contributions to democracy over the past century. Major credit for organizing this celebration goes to Tom Lantos, Hungarian-American Congressman from California. The event was attended by the leaders of HRFA. The next page contains President Bush’s historical speech. Fraternally yours, Jules G. Balogh President Bush signing the Hungarian Flag Az Elnök úr rovata A 2006. márciusi igazgatósági ülésen az AMRE új igazgatósági elnököt választott: Szüch Jim-et, továbbá két alelnököt: Hunyady Piroskát és Morey John-t. Köszönjük Dózsa Györgynek sok éves igazgatósági elnöki, illetve elnöki szolgálatát, valamint Martin tiszteletes munkáját. A tavasz már itt van, és mi itt az AMRÉ-nál is új életet kezdtünk, változást indítottunk el. Az elmúlt hónapban a következő területeken tartottunk körzeti értekezleteket: Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, és California régió, valamint Ohio, illetve Pennsylvania. A keleti parti találkozókra áprilisban kerítünk sort. Volt szerencsém találkozni sok kiváló osztályvezetőnkkel, üzletkötőnkkel és potenciális új tagokkal is. Az értekezletek rendkívül sikeresek voltak, hála érte Kovács Joe, Fábri Joe, Nicholas Bill, Morey John és Szüch Jim igazgatóknak, valamint Szabó Ednek, illetve Skerl atya, Varga tiszteletes, Komjáthy és Jálsó tiszteletesek támogatásának. A találkozók jelentősségét alátámasztották a résztvevők spontán hozzászólásai arról, hogy milyen baráti és nyílt hangulatúak voltak az összejövetelek, és milyen segítő, építőjellegű észrevételek hangzottak el. ... continued on page 6