Fraternity-Testvériség, 1989 (67. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)

1989-07-01 / 3. szám

FRATERNITY Page 19 praising the leader Ceausescu as one who is creating the most marvellous Romania. It is saddening that this is happening in 20th century Europe. This state of affairs hurts Hungarians and Romanians alike, but when we consider that our Hungarian sisters and brothers are also suffering just for being Hungarian, then our hearts are truly aching. For higher education even the most gifted Hungarians have very little opportunity. Ethnic Romanians with much lower grade averages take their places instead. Oppression, persecution is given to Hungarians in their 1,000-year home! Villages are totally demolished in Hungarian regions. Beyond all this unhappiness I still experienced something inspiring, uplifting and beautiful in Transylvania. In the center of Kalotaszeg, I visited the town of Bánffyhunyad (Huedin). In the county of Kolozs (Cluj) within the boundaries of the rivers Kalot and Kőrös, approximately 30 villages make up the region of Kalotaszeg. Kalotaszeg is renown for her ethnic arts of woodcarving, painting, weaving and embroidery, and colorful, richly embroidered beauti­ful folk costumes. On Sunday in front of a precious historic church I noticed people standing. I rushed also with my camera to enter the church. As it turned out this Sunday was the Sunday of Confirmation. Circa 30 youngsters were being confirmed. The church was richly adorned with embroidery. The several-century old church seemed like a beautiful jewelry-box. From the ceiling hung a huge bell decorated totally with white gladioli. Tears filled my eyes. I was so touched to see about 15 girls in ethnic embroidered Kalotaszeg costumes being confirmed. What a beautiful scene, and the girls were .Ason gnU«*»«'

