Fraternity-Testvériség, 1989 (67. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)
1989-01-01 / 1. szám
Page 2 TESTVÉRISÉG "Reunion in Sárospatak" Escorted by THE VERY REVEREND IMRE BERTALAN All inclusive Tour, Specially prepared for members of The Hungarian Reformed Federation Of America and their families. DEPARTURE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1989 from New York Returning: October 5, 1989, to New York TOTAL COST: $2099°° Single Supplement: $275.00 The following cities and country-sides will be visited: Budapest, Danube Bend, Esztergom, Szentendre, Balatonfüred, Balaton, Székesfehérvár, Eger, Tokaj, Sárospatak, Debrecen, Hortobágy. For the first time arrangements can be made to visit Kárpataija, the region of Beregszász, the place of origin of many Hungarian Americans. This part of Kárpátalja was closed to visitors since World War II. For those interested extra day and expenses will be added to the original plan. For information contact: TRAVEL GUIDE 1085 Raritan Road Clark, NJ 139172 Phone (201) 381-0260 We ask church leaders, branch managers and members to send us the names and addresses of people living in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. This would enable us to get in touch with them; informing them of our church services and other social events. There may be students and government employees who would enjoy sharing such events with the Hungarian community in Washington, D.C. Címlapunkon látható egyike a hozzávetőleg 800 erdélyi magyar református templomnak, melyeknek falain belül csaknem egy milliót kitevő református magyar erősíti megmaradása megannyi végvárát. A falvakkal együtt a templomokat és temetőket is veszélyezteti az erdélyi magyarság felszámolását célzó nemzetírtó terv, amely pillanatnyilag meghátrálni látszik a világ közvéleményének széleskörű tiltakozásán. Az amerikai magyarság a világ magyarságával karöltve továbbra is síkra száll Erdély védelmében. FRATERNITY—TESTVÉRISÉG ISSN-0744-592X Official Organ of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America Published Quarterly Office of Publication: 2001 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: (202) 328-2630 Second Class Postage paid at Washington, DC Postmaster: Send Address Changes to: Fraternity-Testvériség 2001 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1011 Editorial Committee: Editor-in-Chief, Managing Director: Rev. Imre Bertalan Associate Editors: George Dózsa, Vice President-Secretary & William B. Puskas, Treasurer Cover photograph: Fortified Calvinist Church in Domos, Transylvania